Chapter 16

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Annie's pov
When we reach the park, I feel like I'm 5 again. We're all wearing sun glasses to minimize the chances of being noticed. I grab Brennan's arm and pull him inside the Magic Kingdom. "C'mon!" I squeal, running and holding onto the Minnie Mouse ears on my head. I got this headband when I came here a few years ago when I came here, I'm surprised it still fits. We get close to the famous castle and I exclaim, "We need to take a picture!" I pull out my phone and hand it to Caleb to take Brennan and I's picture. We take a few, one smiling, one silly, one of him holding me bridal style, and of course, one kissing. Brennan takes my hand and leads me toward Splash Mountain. "Oh no..." I laugh. "C'mon, it'll be fun!" Brennan says excitedly. We wait in line for like 20 minutes before sitting in the very front of the 'log'. I hold Brennan's hand through the whole ride and then I see a huge drop ahead. "Brennan!" I scream, holding onto his arm. He just laughs. Then, the drop. I love the feeling in my stomach when you go down big drops. When we reach the bottom, we get drenched. Good thing I wore waterproof mascara. I hug Brennan tighter, not wanting to let go. "How was it?" he asks, chuckling. "I feel like a kid again" I laugh. "Wanna do it again? We have fast passes" he suggests. "Well duh!" I reply. Before we get on again, we take a look at the picture that was taken, it was hilarious. My mouth was open, as were my eyes. Brennan was laughing, but he had fear in his eyes. "We're buying every single picture that's taken of us today" I laugh. "No problem, I brought every penny I've ever saved" he smiles. I look at him in disbelief. "Brennan I was kidding, you don't have to buy me anything" I intertwine our fingers. "It's my job, I'm your boyfriend" he smiles. He mumbles something under his breath and smiles bigger. "What?" I ask. "Nothing, I just can't wait for tonight" he squeezes my hand. We spend the rest of the day as little kids, riding  almost all of the rides, taking pictures with the characters, doing everything I did as a kid. By 6:30, the load of pretzels, ice cream, and cotton candy we ate to fill us up was starting to wear off and we were getting hungry. Brennan said that there was a restaurant in the park and that he reserved seats for us. With Katie and Caleb behind us, we walked into the restaurant. We sat down and I ordered a salad and water. Brennan got steak, Katie got a hamburger and Caleb got a baked potato, typical Caleb. He's always bringing back childhood memories. We eat and may I just say, it was delicious. Brennan and Caleb pay and we go back out to the castle. We spent and hour and a half in the restaurant just eating and talking. The fireworks started as soon as we got out to the castle. I stared up at them, there we ones shaped like Mickey Mouse, Tinkerbell, and a bunch of other characters. There was one that caught my eye. My eyes grew as I read it. 'Will you marry me Annie?' I look over to Brennan and see that he's down on one knee with a box in his hands. My eyes start to fill with tears and my hands fly to my mouth. "Annie, from the moment I met you, I knew you were something special. I started to like you when I was 9 and by the time I was 12, I had fallen hard for you. The day I realized that I loved you was when you challenged me to a game of tic tac toe when we went to a restaurant to celebrate your win in gymnastics. You were so competitive and our hands touched every time we took a turn putting down and x or an o. I still have that paper to this day." By this time, everyone around us was listening. The fireworks had stopped and time seemed to as well. Brennan didn't care who was listening, he just kept speaking. "I've never met anyone else who can make me smile when they do the simplest things, like your blush. I love when you laugh, it's the most heavenly sound I've ever heard, and your smile makes me melt. I can't even begin to explain all the crap that we've been put through, but all of it truly shows how strong we are together. You make me happier than you can even imagine and I love you more than anyone in the universe. I'm serious when I say that I would swim across the ocean for you. Anything, if it means I get to be with you. I don't care how old we are. I know that as long as we're together, everything will be perfect" I was bawling by this point, not believing what is happening. "Julianna Grace, will you make me the happiest man on the planet and" he opened the box "marry me?" he asks me. His eyes were full of love and he also looked like he was about to cry. There was a silence. Brennan's smile started to slowly fade away, but before it was gone, I exclaimed, "Yes! Yes Brennan, of course!" His smiled reappeared, bigger than ever as he slid the ring onto my finger. He stood up and gave me a long, passionate kiss. People around us were cheering but I couldn't hear anything else. The only thing that matters right now is us, me and Brennan. I pull away and rest my forehead on his. "I love you so much Brennan" I whisper, still crying. He wiped away the tears with his thumb and replied, "I love you more" he smiled. "I love you most" I smiled with him. "You win this time princess" he laughs. "You're right, I did win. I got you" I say. "Ah, I think I'm the winner there" he says. "We'll just say that we're both winners, how's that?" I giggle. "Perfect" he responds before leaning in again. Another firework goes off, not just the  sparks from our kiss. He pulls away and I take a look at the ring. It was beautiful! "Brennan, this is beautiful!" I exclaim. "Not as beautiful as you" he says cheekily. "You're so cheesy" I laugh, pushing his shoulder gently. "You love it" he smirks. "You bet I do" I say, smiling. He gives me a hug, and I feel like a Disney princess. I finally found my prince. He whispers in my ear. "There's still one more surprise" I look up at him and smile.
Don't worry, this is not the end:) I hope you're enjoying! Let me know in the comments if you're liking it!

They don't know about usOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora