Chapter 6

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<Brennan's pov>
"Annie, we just have to walk until we can find a phone, I'm sorry" I say looking down. "Why are you sorry? It's not your fault. Cmon, let's start walking" she says, taking my hand. I smile and start walking with her. As I look at her, I realize how lucky I am to have her. She's perfect. The way her hair sticks to her face, her beautiful eyes, and her smile. "What?" she asks, smiling, noticing I'm staring at her. "Nothing, I'm just think how lucky I am to have you" I smile. She blushes and smiles. "Well I feel the same way about you" she says. She rests her head on my shoulder and we continue walking. I could stay like this forever.
<Katie's pov>
Brennan's been gone for hours and Annie isn't answering my calls. They've been acting suspicious lately but Annie told me she likes someone who's name I forget. Now that I think about it, I could see Annie and Brennan together. But it's not like they ever would, they don't talk to each other. "Katie, come here" my mom calls. I come down the steps and my mom asks me to call Brennan one more time. I pull out my phone and dial the number. "Brennan?" I say
<Annie's pov>
Brennan get a phone call from Katie. My eyes go wide. "Answer it!" I whisper. "H-hello?" he stutters. "Brennan?" I hear Katie say. "Hey" he says. "Where have you been? Mom's been worried sick. "I-I just went bowling with some friends" he says nervously. "Oh. Well, come home soon" she says hanging up. "Whew" he wipes his forehead. I laugh and kiss his cheek. We finally reach a town and go into a restaurant. We sit down and order some dinner because Brennan had some money on him. "Excuse me" he says, standing up. "Where are you going?" I ask. "You'll see" he says winking. I'm very confused but kind of excited at the same time. Then, I see him up on the mini stage with his guitar. I smile and wave at him, still very confused. He waves back. "This song is dedicated to the most important person in my life, I love you Annie" he says, looking in my eyes. I mouth 'I love you too' back to him. He strums his guitar and begins singing "Do it again" by R5. He sings the whole song looking into my eyes. By the end of the song, I have tears in my eyes. When he finishes, I run up to the stage and hug him. "I love you Brennan" I whisper. "I love you too Annie" he kisses my nose. Then, the last person I want to see right now walks in the door. But she's not ruining the night for me now.
<Brennan's pov>
I saw Annie's head lift up and I knew something was wrong. As I look to the door, I see Liv, of course. How did she even find us? "Liv, what are you doing?" I ask annoyed. I am so done with her ruining everything Annie and I do together. She doesn't respond. "Annie, let's go" I say grabbing her and walking away. "Brennan wait!" Liv yells. "No Liv! I'm tired of you always ruining our dates!" I say. "Brennan stop, I need to say something" she says seriously. We giver our attention as she starts to speak. "My friend Hannah thought it was okay to come out here and ruin your date and I would like to apologize. I brought my car and I'm offering you a ride home" she says. I look at Annie as if asking her if she wants to take the offer. She gives the slightest shake of her head that I barley see it. I look back at Liv and say, "Thank you, we can walk home from here" "But that's not it. After Hannah sabotaged your date, she convinced your parents that you ran away together. You might want to come with me so your parents don't send out a search party" she says, walking closer to us. I step in front of Annie slightly, but it is barley noticeable. "Are you coming or not?" I take one look at Annie and say, "Yes" I'm not letting go of Annie's hand the whole time, she's staying safe because I'm not letting anyone hurt her.
<Katie's pov>
"Okay okay, what time did we see them last?" Caleb asks. "I saw Brennan around 4:20 last" I say, looking at Caleb. "The last time I saw Annie was 4:30" he says. "So you would think that they would be together" I say. Caleb looks like he has to tell me something so he pulls me away from all of the adults. "Look, Annie and Brennan went on a date but I don't know where. No one is supposed to know about them so I can't tell our parents. You need to help me track them down" he says looking into my eyes. My breath gets caught in my throat and I stutter out, "S-Sure" I mentally faceplam myself. He grabs my wrist, almost my hand, and heads to his room. Butterflies begin to form in my stomach. Uh oh. Do I like Caleb?
<Caleb's pov>
When I grab Katie's wrist, my fingers tingle and butterflies form in my stomach. Wait, what? I brush it off and keep heading to my room. I know that Annie has a tracking app on her phone so I start trying to find her. As I'm doing this, Brennan and Annie come inside. Or at least I assume because I hear people yell, "where have you been?" and "we've been worried sick!" I head upstairs and hug Annie as soon as she notices me. "I missed you, I was so worried" I whispered. "I'm sorry Caleb, but it wasn't us. We need to talk to you" she says. "Okay, come down to my room" I tell her. I grab her hand and nod at Brennan to follow. We head down to my room and I closed the door. I honestly don't know where Katie got to but I needed to talk to Brennan and Annie. "So what's up?" I ask. "Caleb, we can't do anything anymore. Liv sends people to sabotage our dates. We didn't run away, Liv, I guess, just doesn't want us around if she can't have Brennan to herself" Annie says, thinking carefully about every word. I nod my head to show that I understand as she speaks. "Bro, we don't know what to do anymore. She won't leave us alone. You always give the best advice. What should we do?" Brennan looks at me while speaking. This is the first time I've seen him like this. I have to be honest, the idea of them together I didn't quite like in the begging, but I can see how much they love each other. I need to help them.
<Liv's pov>
Okay look. I don't hate Annie for dating Brennan. I hate Annie because she ruined Brennan and I's relationship. We used to be like brother and sister, then he started liking Annie. She probably got jealous and thought that Brennan would like me instead of her or something. I don't hate Annie because she has a relationship with Brennan, I hate her because she ruined MY relationship with Brennan. And now nothing can fix it.
<Brennan's pov>
The car ride with Liv was very awkward because she seemed very uncomfortable when Annie and I were talking to each other. When I kissed Annie's nose, Liv cleared her throat. So when we got home, I was relived when we had to go down to Caleb's room. When we asked him for advice, he replied with, "to be honest, I don't know. I've never really been in a relationship before" He rubbed that back of his neck, embarrassed. I sighed and plopped into the bed. "Sorry man" Caleb said. "No it's not that, I just want to know why she won't just leave us alone" I said. My head was in Annie's lap and she started playing with my hair. I closed my eyes and started to fall asleep. After about 10 minutes Annie shakes me slightly and says, "Cmon babe, it's time to go to sleep" I look at the clock and see that it's 1:30am. "Your room?" I ask sitting up. "Yeah, let's go. Caleb laid out some of his pajamas for you to wear" she smiles. I get changed and we lay down. "I love you so much Annie, always remember that" I say kissing her forehead. I wrap my arms around her and pull her closer to my body. "I love you too Brennan, forever and always" I then fall into a deep sleep, full of dreams with the love of my life.

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