{Scars} KEELEY

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The hospital was silent, the time being 2:35 in the morning. I was working the graveyard shift, and I was bored and tired. I finally relaxed at my desk, all paperwork entered and no patients needing anything.

I started to doze off when the doors flew open, a stretcher getting rushed in with a boy my age. His tan skin looked clammy and he was shaking. His eyes remained closed but the constant stream of moans coming out of his mouth let us know he was alive. I started talking to the nearest intern, still following the stretcher to the nearest empty room.  


"Liam Payne, 23 years old, neighbor called 911 when he heard a crash from above. He was unresponsive when we got there, but came to in the ambulance." 

"Medical History." 

"It's actually pretty long, Dr.Reynolds." 

"Give it to me." 

"He's lived his whole life with one kidney until a couple months ago, they figured out his other one had started working again." 

"What are you suggesting?" 

"Kidney Failure Ma'am." I nodded, and rushed into the boys room.

The heart monitor dipped as I walked in. I shoved people out of my way, in haste to get to him.  

"We're losing him!" I shouted, watching him. He was struggling to breathe and keep his eyes open. The monitor flat lined as his body relaxed, stopping his fight to live. 

"Give me the defibrillator, on 150!" I shouted over the commotion. Somebody handed the paddles to me quickly, charging them up. I smacked them down, watching his bare back arch off the table. He gasped and his eyes grew large, I waited, the defibrillator in my hands, ready to be used again if needed. His heart steadied out and remained there.

Everything soon settled down and I let out a breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding. Nurses entered the room, cleaning up. I got out my flashlight and lifted up his now droopy from sleep eyelids, watching as his pupils dilated.He tried to blink to get rid of the obstruction, and I let go of his eyelid. That was good, he was aware. I laughed, a short quiet chuckle, of relief. He gave me a sleepy smile.  

"Your voice is pretty." He said quietly. I giggled again. 

"Thanks Mr.Payne, can you try to open your eyes on your own?" He just shrugged his shoulders and I knew he was tired. I bit my lip, getting an idea.

I placed my palm on his cheek, feeling the cool mostiure beneath it. 

"Can you try..for me?" I said in a flirty voice. I stroked his stubble with my thumb and he gasped, eyes flying open. I couldn't help it. This time my body shook from laughter and it felt good to laugh for the first time in a long while.  

"Thank you!" I told him. He smiled a genuine smile up at me, sleep gone from his eyes. His body grew stiff as he looked around and let out a quiet groan.

"What happened?" He asked softly. My mind didn't know how to answer, so I asked my own question, a more important one. 

"How long have you not been taking your kidney medicine, Mr. Payne?"  

"Liam." He corrected softly. My heart tugged a bit. 

"Liam." I said with a smile. It soon faded as I asked again. "How long?" He took a deep painful breath. 

"A while." He answered, pausing. "I ran out..and I was to busy to get more." I found myself clucking my tongue, scolding him like a mother would a child.

"You're lucky your neighbor below heard you fall. You could be dead." I stated. 

He was quiet as he stared at me. And then he smiled after completely scanning my person. 

"What are you smiling about?"  

"You're pretty." The simple answer made me blush and he memorized it too.  

"What's your name?" 

"Dr. Reynolds." I answered.

Because that's all I was, a doctor. I couldn't be anything more with him. No patient/resident relationships.  

"Your first name?" I sighed, my shoulders slumping. 

"Keeley." I felt my cheeks lit up again and he smiled up at me.  

"A beautiful name for a beautiful girl." I threw my head back and laughed, that had to be the corniest thing I've ever been told. 

"I can't believe you used that line!" I giggled, wiping happy tears away from my eyes. 

"Why are you laughing?!" He said, amused. 

"It was so cheesy!" I laughed again and this time he joined in, nodding his head.

Pain flitted across his face and he drew in a sharp breath. 

"I'll go get your pain meds, Liam." I said, gently patting his shoulder, watching out for any cords coming out of his body and connecting to monitors and machines.

"Wait." He grabbed my hand, pulling me towards him. A wave of electricity pulsed through me, but I ignored it, waiting for him to speak. 

"Do you have some band aids or something to..I don't know." He slowly rolled up his sleeves and I looked down, a loud gasp coming out of me.

The marks were identical to the ones that I used to have, turned into scars now, scattered all over my body.  

"You'll need more than band aids.." I spoke from experience. 

"Just..please?" Irritation was leaking into his voice and I nodded, hurrying out of his room and down the hall, tears gathering in my eyes.

I didn't know how I had done it, so many times for so many years; taking a blade to my ivory skin, making the blood seep through. And I don't know how somebody so beautiful could do that to himself. I grabbed supplies I had used when my mom had worked here from the storage room, and turned on my heel going back to Liam's room, wiping away tears from my cheeks.

The Day My Heart Stopped(Liam Payne Fan Fiction) (Canceled)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora