{Happiness} Keeley

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His soft lips caressed the top of my head. I sighed and leaned into his chest, careful not to mess

with any wires. 

We stayed like this for a bit, before I left the warm confines of his arms.He looked at me with a

question in his eyes. 

"I'll be right back." I promised him. His brown eyes searched mine before he nodded, and I quickly left the room.

"Hey Jennings!" I shouted down the halls. Martha walked out from behind a curtain with a friendly smile on her face. 

"What do you need?" She asks, tone light and happy. I raise an eyebrow at her, I mean a hospital

isn't exactly a happy place. She shrugs and repeats her question. I wring my hands together.

"Martha, I want to quit." The smile drops off her face.

"What? Why!" I can't look her in the eye. 

'I want to be with a patient." She snorts and I look up at her in surprise. She's usually very


"You're throwing your job away for some guy?" She questions. The anger boils inside me, making

me light headed.

"Yes, and he's very special, thanks." She rolls her eyes.

"I'm sorry, but no guy is worth that." She states. I smirk. If she only knew..

"Keeleyyyyyyy!!" I snap out of my thoughts.


"You better go turn in your letter." I nod and turn on my heel, walking away. 

I knock on the door of the chief of surgeon's office. I hear a muted "come in." as I enter. The old man

gently smiles at me, and I nervously look around, picking at my colorful fingernail polish. It's quiet 

as he waits for me to explain my surprise visit. He clears his throat. 

"I'm quitting." I whisper. The words hang in the air and my heart beats faster. I look into the man I think of as my father's eyes and see surprise and disappointment swirling around in them. 


"I..uh..there's a guy-" He cuts me off with a raise hand and my mouth snaps shut .

"I understand. You can go." He says in a cold voice. I quickly stand, the leather of the chair 


"I'm sorry." I whisper again. I don't hear any response as I close the heavy wooden door. 

I walk into the locker room, staring at my full locker. I strip down into my underwear, pulling out my 

jeans as if it were any normal day. I slip on my hoodie, already feeling cold. I slip my scrubs into

my bag, along with all the other stuff in my locker, including pictures and awards. I close my locker 

for the last time, blinking away the tears that prickle at my eyes. I turn around to see Martha leaning 

up against the wall. I jump half a foot.

"Jesus, Martha, you scared me." She giggles a bit and gives me a hug. 

"We'll still hang out, won't we?" She asks into my hair. I nod and she lets me out of her vice grip. 

I make my way back down the hall to see Liam. At the desk our four boys, being loud.

"Excuse me? EXCUSE ME!" I shout over the ruckus they're making. 

I laugh at myself.


"Hi, we're here to see Liam Payne." A smile makes its way to my face as the older boy says his name. 

"Right this way." I motion with my hand. They all trail behind me, talking in whispers. I knock on the 

door as Liam yells for us to come in. I smile at him as I walk through the door. 

"Keeley." He whispers in relief. "I thought you left." I then notice his red face and the tears left in his 

brown eyes.  

"I just brought visitors." I say, a grin making it's way onto my face.  I step out of the way of the other 

boys and they run through, hugging Liam. I laugh at the reunion. 

"Well boys, this is my girlfriend Keeley." I smirk.

"Oh is that what I am? I hadn't realized." I hear low chuckles. 

"Burn!" I look to see who shouted, finding out it was the one I talked to before. Liam sticks out his 

tongue and moves on to introducing me to the boys surrounding him, and taking up all the space in

his room. 

"Keeley, this is Niall," he points to a boy with dirty blonde hair and bright blue eyes. I smile and 

shake his hand,

"And Louis," he points to the older lad, with whispy brown hair and tealish eyes, standing out from 

his tan skin. I shake his hand too, 

"And Harry." Harry has curly hair that frames his face and bright green eyes. He smiles at me and 

dimples pop out from his cheeks. I can't help my smile and shake his hand,

"And last but not least, Zayn." Liam says in an announcer voice. Zayn is...well...Zayn is beautiful. 

Absolutely perfect. I'm jealous honestly. I shake his tan hand and smile up at him. His eyelashes 

surround his bright eyes and I sigh. I'm such a jealous bitch. 

I walk over to Liam's bedside and cuddle into him. He kisses my cheek and I blush while all the 

boys coo and 'aww'. 

"How long have you guys known each other?" Harry speaks up. I laugh a bit.

"Eh..a couple weeks. I was his doctor up until a day ago." I smile at the memories that flash 

through my head. All the boys gasp.

"You saved Liam's life?" Niall asks in amazement. I shrug.

"I don't know..I guess..." 

"Yes, Yes she did, in more ways then one." 

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