{Starting Fires} BOTH

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The boys gave me the change of clothes, and I changed, thinking of Keeley.

She had the audacity to tease me, then act scared when we were going to be alone.

When we get to my house, or rather apartment, everybody piles into the small living room.  

It's a while before the boys leave and Keeley and I are left to stare at each other awkwardly.  

"So..." I start off.  

"Where's the bathroom?" She asks at the same time. I laugh and point her in the direction. She comes out with no real clothes on, and flips on the telly. I choke on my spit. She's being so casual about it and I'm dying on the inside.

"What the hell?" I choke out. She turns to me and laughs.  


"Where are your clothes?" 

"In your room." I nod and she turns back to the television.

I smirk to myself before stripping down also. She ignores me completely, laughing at the commercial that's on. I cuddle up close to her and she pulls away while turning to face me.  

"yes?" She asks. I smirk.  

"You have something to take care of." Her gulp is audible to my own ears.  

"Don't know what you're talking about." She finally chokes out after a long pause.  

"Mhm." I nod and turn to the TV. She cuddles into my side and I feel her heartbeat pressed into my side. Her heart was beating rapidly. She was scared.

Keeley, the girl who saved my life, is scared.

The thought throws me off for a bit before I cuddle her closer into my body and kiss the top of her head. Her shoulders relax and her breathing slows down. I swoop her warm body into my arms and carry her down the hall into my bedroom. I pull one of my t-shirts as gently as I can over the top of her head and pull her arms through the sleeves. Its way to big for her, but it'll work for now.

She groans and rolls out of my arms, flopping down onto the bed. I chuckle quietly and pull the covers up to her chin. I climb into the bed next to her and pull her small frame into me. She sighs and I can't help the smile on my face.

What is she doing to me?


I don't really remember falling asleep, but when I open my eyes, the light is shining through the window.  

Wait. Light. As in morning?


I shoot up out of bed and jump out onto the cold tile.  

But I have carpet in my room...where exactly am I?

I turn in circles until my eyes land on Liam's sleeping form.

The events of yesterday-was it really only yesterday?- flood my mind and I laugh at myself before climbing back into the warm confines of the bed. 

"Liammmmm." I sing out. I push my face into his neck and kiss all over his face.  

"Whatttt?" He groans out.  

"Time to get up!" I cheer.  

"No." He pouts and opens his eyes. He pulls me into his arms and I lie down on his chest. 

"See, isn't this much better?" Liam asks. I laugh and sit up so I'm straddling his torso.  

"No! Li, get up!" 

"Kiss me first."  


"Kiss.me.first." He says slowly, like I'm stupid. 

"But..we just woke up.."  

"Yes, and I had the best sleep ever. Before it was rudely interrupted by somebody, and I think she owes me a kiss." He tells me sternly. I can't help laughing. He smiles up at me and I nod, leaning in. He meets me halfway and our lips brush. I pull back before it can get to heated. I get out of bed and grab Liam's hand, urging him to get up.

"you look good in my clothes." Liam's sitting at the breakfast bar while I'm making pancakes. I look down and realize I'm in an oversized t-shirt for the first time. I smile and blush.  

"Thank you." I murmur.  

The smell of burning pancakes fills my nose and I turn to the over, but it's to late. The alarm starts going off and somewhere the sprinkles come on.

I snatch the pan off the stove and throw it in the sink.

I turn to look at Liam who is roaring with laughter.  

"Liam!" I screech. This makes him laugh harder, and I throw my head back and laugh with him. I spin around and almost fall. Two arms from behind catch me and I spin around in them.  

"Hi." I whisper, blinking water out of my eyes.  

"Hey." he crashes his lips to mine and I clutch him closer to my cold body.


i'm done with this story. Honestly. It hardly gets reads, and when it does, the readers don't say shit. I'm tired of posting and not hearing any feedback. Please, just let me know you're actually there. so the end of the story goes

Liam proposes to Keeley. They get married. 


I'm done. 

for the last time in this story. 







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