{The Demons We Hold} LIAM

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She walked back in, her eyes and nose red from crying.  

"What's wrong?" I asked, concerned. She set down the things on my lap table thing, and I took quick inventory.


Rubbing Alcohol 

Wrapping Gauze

I met her eyes again and she took a deep breath before rolling up her own sleeves, revealing scars of her own. I ran my fingertips over each raised line in her pale skin.  

"How could somebody so beautiful and strong hurt themselves?" She scoffed, pulling her sleeves down after yanking her wrist roughly out of my tender hold.  

"I could ask you the same thing." I noticed the tears collected in her eyes again and grabbed her arm, turning her towards me. I cupped her small, heart shaped face in my large hands, gently wiping away the few tears that had escaped. She pulled away after a second, and I couldn't help the hurt that flashed across my face.

She sat down on my bed, away from my touch, getting her supplies ready. She poured some peroxide on a cotton ball before gently pressing it to my wounds. I hissed as it stung and she smiled apologetically and lessened the pressure before repeating the process to each cut. The alcohol came next and it burned worse than the peroxide did. She mumbled an apology when I whimpered and wrapped my arm up in gauze, Velcro-ing it closed. She tapped it lightly and I grabbed her arm before she got up. I kissed her cheek, letting my lips linger.  

"Thank you Keeley."

I didn't miss the blush that flooded her cheeks as she fled my room, leaving her supplies behind.

That night I dreamt about Keeley taking a blade to her ivory colored skin over and over, and I was screaming for her to stop, but she dug in deeper each time, the blood dripping off of her arm and onto the floor. I stepped forward to reach out for her, to shake her out of the trance she had slipped into, and she stepped back. This time as the blade came down she made eye contact, her eyes blazing.  

"Leave me alone." She snarled. 

"Keeley, please." I whispered. 

"Stop." She said in a broken voice. "You can't fix me, you can't fix me." The tears flowed now and she dropped the razor. "I'm not okay." She said quietly, running off.

I sat up in bed, crying tears of my own. I pressed the call button on my remote.

"Hello?" A nurse with a nasally voice answered. 

"Um, yes. Is Dr. Reynolds still on call?"  

"Is this an emergency, Sir?" 

"Well, no, but can you tell Dr. Reynolds that Liam needs her?" The nurse sighed and started talking to someone.  

"She's on her way." She hung up the phone before I got the chance to thank her.

A knock sounded on my door. Keeley walked in. 

"Liam..you just can't call and ask for me. You'll get me in trouble." She told me and I instantly felt bad.  

"Sorry Keeley." 

"What did you need?" Her voice softened.  

"I had a nightmare..about you." I told her in a whisper. She sat down. 

"Tell me about it." I shook my head. 

"I can't." My voice cracked. She just brought me into her arms. I looked into her eyes, looking deep into her soul, seeing all the pain she had endured. And before I knew what I was doing, my lips had hers trapped in a passion filled kiss, tasting of salt from my tears. She kissed me back before pulling away with a gasp.  

"I can't..Liam.." She said in a broken whisper. 

"Why? Why can't you?"  

"My career. Everything I've worked for in my life, I can't flush that all away just for a guy that'll get bored and leave."  

"Is that why you cut?"  

"That has nothing to do with this!" She half-yelled, getting angry. 

"Sorry. I just.." I was cut off by the slamming of a door.

She left me there to wallow in my own pit of sorrow and sadness, tears streaming down my face.


Sorry if this is short. I can't tell while I'm writing. Let me know what you think of the chapter!





I love you, 


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