Comment #1

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Queen_of_the_ships commented: I DEMAND A JEO MOMENT AS WELL AS A PERCICO AND JEO KISS Pretty please? *puppy eyes*

Tay Tay: And you shall because I HAVE....DA POWAH!!!!!!

Nico: Okay!

Percy: Of course!

*Nico sits on Percy's lap and looks down at Percy. Percy gives him this sexy but seductive smile. Nico looks away suprisingly blushing pink then turns back around. Percy chuckles and cups his hands on Nico's face. Then Percy and Nico both lean in. Percy then closes the space between them with simple but sweet kiss. They finally pull away after a minute and a half of making out.*

Jason: Well I guess it's our turn...

Leo: Yea I guess it is..

*They started a makeout session for damn near five minutes. Finally they pull away and looked into each others eyes lovingly*

Tay Tay: Oh my gods that was so adorable and hot at the same time!!! And we can now take comments and answer them with a response. So goodbye for now my loves!

All: Gooooddbbbyyyeee!!!!!!!

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