Wedding Day! part 1

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Tay Tay: Okay, places everyone! Places!

*Everyone gets everything ready*

Hades: Okay, Tay Tay. How's this? *is wearing a black suit with a white tie and a rose with black dress shoes*

Tay Tay: Oh wow, Hades you're looking sharp!

Me: Yeah, Hades! I didn't know you could dress like that!

Hades: Well, it's an unknown talent.

Me: Okay, where's Persephone?

Bianca: She's just finished getting changed.

Persephone: I'm ready! *She comes out with a beautiful ivory gown that flows down to her feet and a flower crown*

Tay Tay: Oh my god! She's beautiful! *Smiles*

Bianca: I know! *hugs her*

Hades: Okay, now where's Nico?

Nico: Oh right here! *Comes out in a beautiful white dress with black designs at the top and bottom*

Tay Tay: Oh that dress looks perfect on you! It just needs one thing.

Nico: What's that?

Me: This. *pulls out a flower crown with black and white flowers and a veil attached and puts it on him*

Nico: *blushes shyly* Thanks...

Me: *hugs him* Anytime.

Hades: Okay the wedding starts in about an hour and a half from now. And it looks like the parents of the grooms are here...

Tay Tay: Tyena, we haven't even got into our dresses yet.

Me: And none of us have any makeup on. Not even a lick.

Tay Tay: We should probably hurry.

*An hour later of getting everyone, including the babies, ready*

Sally: We're almost done with the babies.

Tay Tay: Alrighty... aww! Look at Lillian and Jayla!

Me: I know! But look at Nicole! She's adorable!

Nico: *smiles happily* They are adorable..

Hades: Okay, we have half an hour to get ready! And more people showed up.

Tay Tay: *Peeks out through the curtains seeing how many people are there* Uhh...

Nico: Sis, how many did you invite?

Tay Tay: About 90... and I may have invited my mom as well.

Nico: Please tell me you didn't invite Cupid.

Me: Oh we didn't. I made sure of that.

Nico: Okay, I can calm down now.

*Meanwhile in the mens' bathroom*

Percy: Okay where's my tie?

Jason: Right here. *holds up a black and blue necktie*

Percy: *grabs it and puts it on* Thanks.

Leo: *comes out with the baby boys all dressed up in a nice black suit and a white dress shirt with a fiery looking tie* The boys are all dressed. PJ is looking sharp and handsome like his dad.

(All of The babies grew hair early)

Jason: Hey where's Landon?

*Landon is hiding behind Percy already learning how to crawl*

Percy: Oh here he is! *picks up Landon* Looking like his dad.

Jason: I need to put on his little tie. *puts it on him*

Leo: You guys do know we have less than 15 minutes to finish getting ready right?

Percy and Jason: Fuck!

*They finish getting ready a few minutes later looking all handsome and dapper*

Leo: Okay we should probably get out there.

Percy: Alright then, let's go.

*They all go out there a few minutes later waiting for the others to get in*

*Meanwhile in the girls area*

Tay Tay: Okay, where's Annabeth?

Nico: She's right here!

Annabeth: So, how do I look?

Me: You look great! No wonder Piper and Reyna like you.

Annabeth: Hehe thanks..

Tay Tay: Okay people! We got to go! People are waiting for us!

*The wedding starts and after the groomsmen and the bridesmaids are done walking down the aisle, the parents of the grooms walk down the aisle as well and the mother of the bride does so too.*

*Then, the music starts to play, and Tay Tay and her boyfriend start to sing the song above. As soon as the doors open, everyone stands up silently as Hades and Nico walk down the aisle*

To be continued..

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