Questions/Dares #22

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Me: Hello! :)

Tay Tay: Welcome to the Ask/Dare Perjasico w/ Leico!

Nico: .....*Sighs* Where questions will be answered and dares will be done.

Percy: *pokes Nico* My adorable baby... *hugs him*

Nico: Percy... really?

Percy: Yup! ^.^

Nico: Anyway, I'll be reading the questions and dares while Hazel and the others plan a damn baby shower. No, not for me! For Bianca... she's coming back and she's pregnant.

Tay Tay: Yay! I'mma be a aunt to many children!

Me: And I'm the godmother to Bianca's child... or children.

Nico: Yeah we don't know yet. ANYWAY... I'm just gonna read the questions and dares. The first one comes from Austinismine4l. It says:

"I dare Leo to have his hair dyed blue and Jason do you eat blue food now that you're with Percy?"

Leo: *Sighs but ends up dying his hair blue anyway* There.. Happy?

Nico: It's kind of cute. You rock your hair more than I do..

Leo: T_T

Nico: The second one comes from @Rainbow_Dash4life. It says:

"I dare Percy, Jason and Leo to see who can make Nico blush more. And I think a cute name would be  Maria like Nico's Mum or Esperanza like Leo's. And for a boy Jerce? Like Percy and Jason together."

Tay Tay: I thought of Jacey as a boy name first but that's a good name! And Maria is a cute name! So is Esperanza! :)

Me: Okay let's start!

*All three try their hardest to make Nico blush. He ends up blushing at all three*

Me: It's a tie!

Nico: *Still blushing* Anyway, this second to the last one comes from @PercyJreader. They say:

"Okay dare and question! Dare: I dare Jason, Leo, and Nico to have a threesome Jasleico moment. Question: Percy who do you like better? J, N,or L?"

Percy: I wanna know why I can't choose all three but...... Nico..

Nico: *   -////_////-  His face right at that moment* Of course..

Me: Awwww... Well now I know! 

Tay Tay: Okay! Let's get to the dare!

*The three make out for a few minutes*

Jason: Last Question comes from @Mexican-girl1. She asked:

"Nico how much more time till you give birth?"

Nico: Technically, I'm three months pregnant so the baby probably won't pop out until 5 or 6 months later.. These babies do need to grow. *Slowly rubs his preggy belly*

Tay Tay: *Pokes his preggy belly* These will turn out to be the sweetest kids we'll ever know!

Me: And that is it for today!

Tay Tay: Say bye!

Everyone: Bye!

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