Chapter 1: The Scepter and The Twins

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It was bad. I mean, anything involving Hydra was bad but this was turning out to be far more than any of us bargained for. My name is Renae Genoa. I am twenty two years old and am the youngest licensed Psychologist in the world. That's not the most peculiar thing about me though. No. The weirdest thing is the fact that I descend from a long line of people known as Empaths. Empaths have the ability to manipulate people's emotions and influence them to do certain things. I'm the strongest known Empath in years and Hydra knew it. Well long story short, a certain Captain America and I went on a adventure trying to escape from Hydra. Along the way, we found out his best buddy from World War Two was alive and Hydra's best assassin. I ended up getting kidnapped and separated from The Captain and began to get Bucky to remember who he was. I escaped and then we crashed Hydra's party at The Triskellion but not before we got Bucky to remember just in the nick of time. I haven't seen him since the night at the hospital when he came to check on me but no one knows that. He's been missing ever since. All Steve and Sam Wilson's leads have gone stale. I ,in the meantime, settled down on the edge of NYC in a small house with my faithful dog Mando. I picked up some cases there and lived fairly comfortably until I got a strange case that rocked my world. The daughter of Tony Stark needed help and they asked me to do it. They were desperate for help so I helped them. Skylar Stark is a wonderful girl. A bit headstrong and sarcastic like her father but a wonderful girl all the same. She carried so much pain when I first met her. A young girl whose mother went missing and whose powers seemed out of control. She had also lost her vision in a showdown against Aldrich Killian leader of the Extremis Virus group about a year before. I would not force my powers on her and neither was I going to give up on her. She let me in far quicker than I had imagined.  We bonded quickly and as she healed emotionally, her body healed as well. She was injected with a far more potent version of The Extremis virus called Supremis. She was the only test subject that survived. Her DNA is constantly changing to evolve to her surroundings. With her DNA evolving, her sight came back but not just that. Her body developed Thermal Vision so that she can sense heat emitting around her to detect danger more quickly. It's as if her body knew the situation which had caused her to go blind and found a way to evolve so that would never happen again. Anyways, I digress. Tony Stark gave Skylar a lead on her mother and asked that I travel with her to the country of Sokovia in East Europe. Skylar would not tell me what Tony had talked to her about her mother but she seemed determined to go all the same. She now sported a gold chain with a golden ring with a single diamond on it around her neck. I noticed but didn't say anything because  I knew she would tell me about it when she was ready. I had been in the country finding cold trails of her mother for a couple weeks when I got a call from Steve Rodgers. The Avengers had been eliminating Hydra bases around the world and found one in my general area in Sokovia. I was not allowed to tell Skylar of this mission and told her to stay put in the hotel while I went out. Apparently I was late to the party. I ditched the car I had rented in the forest and continued on foot to the place they had told me to meet them. I heard the commotion before I saw it. I saw a man with a bow and arrow suddenly get thrown to the ground by a Hydra soldier. The soldier aimed his gun at him and before he could fire I focused on the soldier and thought completely on fear and impending defeat. The soldier didn't pull the trigger and fell on his knees before the man begging for mercy.

"What the...?" The man with the bow and arrow started in confusion as he stared at the Hydra soldier practically groveling before him. He quickly knocked the soldier out and turned and looked at me before pointing his weapon at me.

I held my hands up in surrender.

"And just who the heck are you?" The man demanded cautiously.

"Stand down, Barton." A familiar voice commanded.

I turned and felt my heart race in excitement. Steve was walking toward me in his Captain America suit. He smiled and quickly embraced me.

"Oh. It's so nice to see you." I managed to say despite his rib breaking hug.

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