Chapter 4: What Could Be The End

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Renae's POV

Across from us in The Avenger's tower, another conversation was unfolding.

"How is he?" Banner asked as he walked across the lab towards Tony Stark.

"Unfortunately, he's still Barton." Tony quipped as he entered the room.

"That's terrible." Bruce said quietly rebuking Tony.

"He's fine. He's thirsty." Tony replied brushing off Banner's concern.

Banner headed out past Tony to go get Barton a glass of water.

"Alright. Look alive, Jarvis. It's playtime." Tony said clapping his hands as he continued further into the lab. "We've only got a couple days with this joystick so let's make the most of it."

He began to type on a computer panel while saying.

"Update me on the compositional and structural analysis."

With a few bleeps and a scan of light over the scepter and the mind gem within, Jarvis responded with.

"The scepter is alien. There are elements I can't quantify."

"So there's elements you can?" Tony pointed out as he listened to Jarvis.

"The jewel appears to be a protective housing for something inside, something powerful." Jarvis responded.

"Like a reactor?" Tony asked as he poured himself a drink.

"Like a computer." Jarvis corrected. "I believe I am deciphering code."


I headed into the medical wing where Barton was being kept. I felt bad for not checking on him earlier. As I walked inside the wing, I saw him laying on a table with some sort of laser going over the piece of flesh that was missing in his side. I stopped for a second to regain composure. Blood and guts always made me a little queasy. Yet here I am, an Avenger. Natasha sat close by him as she watched the machine work.

"Are you sure he's gonna be okay?" She asked doubtfully as she observed the damage done to Barton's side.

Barton lifted his head in worry at her remark. Dr. Cho turned to look at her and Natasha smirked teasingly.

"Pretending to need this guy really brings the team together."

"There's no possibility of deterioration." Dr. Cho responded with finality as she pressed some buttons on the machine above Barton. "The nano molecular functionality is instantaneous."

Banner walked in and gave me a friendly little wave as he saw me observing.

"His cells don't know they're bonding with simulacra." Dr. Cho finished.

"She's creating tissue." Banner explained as he noticed my puzzled look.

Natasha looked pleased to hear that Barton would get better.

"If you had brought him to my lab, the Regeneration cradle could do this in twenty minutes." Dr. Cho stated proudly.

"Oh, he's flat lining. Call it! Time?" Tony joked as he walked in with a bunch of smoothies. He smiled and handed one to me which I accepted with a small thank you.

"No, no, no. I'm gonna live forever." Barton playfully responded from his position on the table. "I'm gonna be made of plastic."

"Here's your drink." Tony said handing him his smoothie.

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