Chapter 8: Take Me to Your Leader

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Wanda rolled her eyes at her brother's flirtatious behavior as Pietro handed an attractive blonde woman a shimmering dress that he had stolen. He said something cheesy along the lines of 'A beautiful dress for a beautiful woman' or some nonsense like that.

"Come along, Pietro. We have better things to be doing then handing out dresses." Wanda said as she walked past him.

Pietro smiled apologetically at the woman and winked before running and catching up with his sister who refused to look him in the eyes.

"You're just jealous you're not getting a dress." Pietro smirked knowing that Wanda had clearly not approved of his previous action.

His eyes landed on a girl who was wearing sunglasses. Odd, seeing that it was night time. Then he realized that she was blind, until he also realized that she was looking at the different displays.

"Happy. Lighten up." The girl chuckled at her companion's face.

Her companion was a big man who was clearly overly protective of her and was looking around as if they'd be jumped at any second.

"I don't like it. What happens if the paparazzi notices you are looking at things? LOOKING at things, Skylar?! You're supposed to be blind." The large man stated irritably.

"Supposed to be blind?" Wanda questioned as she too had noticed the odd pair.

"And what would the paparazzi be doing in Sokovia? Please just relax. We are fine." The girl huffed and went to look at another stand before her attention was taken by something else.

"An American celebrity in Sokovia? Imagine that. She's an odd one that's for certain." Wanda murmured as they both sat on a bench to observe the pair without looking too suspicious.

The girl went to a stand and bought a bag of pastries which she immediatly told her companion how delicious they were and offered him one which he accepted.

Suddenly, Pietro and Wanda noticed a dirty little boy holding a smaller bundle to his chest and was begging people in the market for money. Most people shoved the poor boy out of the way or outright ignored him. The little boy then saw the girl and hesitantly made his way towards her.

The pair watched interested in how the exchange would go.

In broken english the little boy asked.

"Miss, please. I have no money. My sister and I are hungry."

The bundle moved and Pietro felt his heart drop into his stomach at the small, weak girl clutched to his chest. Pietro remembered being in that position. Holding Wanda close. Begging for food. Stealing. All of it to stay alive. They were prepared to intervene. This girl obviously was going to be disgusted by the dirty children. Most people, not just Americans, tended to be disgusted by the homeless.

"Where are your parents?" The girl asked looking absolutely horrified. Wanda felt her lips curl in a snarl at the American's ignorance. Many orphans roamed Sokovia's streets. It was a known fact.

"They died in fire. Building burned after a riot." The little boy answered quietly.

Then the girl did what neither of them were expecting.

She immediately took off her hoodie beneath her jacket and handed it towards the little boy who gazed at her in a mixture of fear and suspicion.

"Your sister needs it way more than I do. Please, take it."

The little boy slowly unwrapped his arms from around his sister and his sister gazed up at the girl with wide eyes. The girl gently wrapped her hoodie around the little girls shivering form and said.

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