Chapter 6: Well, That Was Dramatic

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I fidgeted in my dress nervously as Natasha curled my hair to the side of my face.

"Stop twitching!" She reprimanded as she finished another curl.

"Sorry, I'm just..." I cut off as I looked at my sweaty palms.

"Nervous?" She finished for me as she put another curl in place.

"Yeah I guess that's it." I said looking at my face in them mirror. I had a little lipstick on to bring out their natural red color, then I had some mascara and eye shadow that accentuated the brown in my eyes. "It's also strange to be wearing makeup. I don't wear it all that often."

"You should. You're pretty without it but I can't wait to see Steve's reaction when he sees you tonight. The dress, the makeup, everything. It suits you." She said as she sprayed some hair spray on my curls. "There! Done. What do you think?"

I stood up a little wobbly in my heels and looked at myself. I elegant. It was strange. I was typically laid back but wow.

"Wow." I said touching my face not believing how good I looked.

Natasha chuckled before applying her own lipstick.

"Yeah, exactly. Steve's not going to be able to take his eyes off you tonight."

"I hope you're right." I said putting in my ear rings. "You finally going to make a move on Banner tonight?"

She stopped putting on her make up for a second to look at me.

I raised my hands in surrender. I didn't want to be on her bad side, I was there once. It wasn't fun.

She sighed before going back to applying her eye shadow.

"I don't know, Renae. I'm no stranger when it comes to flirting with guys but him? He's so...kind."

"What's wrong with that?" I asked taking a seat next to her.

She just began applying her mascara.

"You don't think he's interested?" I guessed.

"He just hasn't really seemed to get the gist, so maybe he's just not into me. Which is fine. I'm a big girl. I can take it." She said finishing one eye and blinking.

"To be honest, I think he likes you but he's just oblivious." I said giving a small chuckle. "I mean you are Natasha Romanov. The black widow. Just be confident like you always are. Be a bit more obvious in your interest in him. Maybe he thinks he's not good enough for you. He has a lot of baggage because of the big guy."

She finished her make up and said.

"Yeah. Maybe that's it. I'll give it a shot tonight."

Then she turned to me with a mischievous smirk.

"So you and Steve huh?"

I blushed.

"Yeah. He seems to really be into me but this is the first "real" date." I said putting up finger quotations.

"Alright, here's the deal. I'll tell you how things with Banner go if you tell me everything about you and Steve." She said fluffing her hair one last time.

"Alright, fine." I said smiling back. "But everything for both of us. Ok? That means you too."

"Oh sure. I'll tell you." She said as she put on her heels. "Though I have a feeling your story is going to be much more interesting than mine. You two already have chemistry."

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