Chapter 9: I Have A Robot Brother

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So, number one. Getting kidnapped had not been on to-do list. Number two, I had also not planned on finding out my dad had made me a giant, evil, robotic baby brother.
I stared in a mixture of disbelief and confusion at the giant robot standing right in front of me. I had been dumped rather unceremoniously out of the meat sack and presented to the very man-like robot like a hunting trophy.

"There. The girl. Just like we promised." Pietro said smugly gesturing to me on the ground.

"I can see that." Mumbled the robot as it appeared to observe me. "She give you any trouble?"

"Nothing that we couldn't handle." Pietro retorted cracking his neck.

"Barely." I snorted as I rose to my feet. I brushed the dirt and grime off my shirt and stood up straight as I observed my captor.

"Forgive me for any unpleasantness you may have experienced on your way here. My name is Ultron." The robot introduced taking a couple steps closer.

Ultron was massive. He stood a great deal taller than me and I felt a sinking dread in my stomach. I hadn't wanted to believe it but looking at him closer I knew I was right. Tony had created this...or at least it was his tech.

"Ultron...right." I said nonchalantly as I crossed my arms observing him. "If I'm correct that giant body is made from Stark equipment. Would you mind telling me who got a hold of it to build you?"

A terrible electronic creaking noise emitted from him and I realized he was laughing.
"Certainly. Your father created me."
My face fell. I hadn't wanted to be right.
"I wish I could tell you that some maniac had gotten ahold on Stark technology and had made me to destroy the world and yada yada yada, but it was actually your father who created me." Ultron replied watching me intently.

"May I ask why?" I inquired though a part of me questioned if I even wanted to know.

"I am a peace keeping program. I'm here to put an end to suffering on this broken, human planet." Ultron said with a great flourish of his arms.

'Well, he has Tony's flare for drama.' I thought to myself as I listened to him.

"Yeah...peace keeping program. How's that going for you?" I asked snarkily.

"Kind of you to ask." Ultron commented as he started to walk. Pietro nudged me forward and I resisted to urge to punch him. I walked forward with the twins behind me following Ultron. " I have a plan that will ensure a peaceful planet. It is fool proof and you are a part of it."

He paused to look at me and I realized he was waiting for me to say something.

"Ummmm, yay? I guess?" I shrugged looking at him confusedly. "How exactly do you expect me to bring world peace? I mean, I'm fabulous and all but if you want a great motivational speaker you got the wrong one."

He chuckled again.
"I'm well aware of your friend, Renae. Unfortunately, she could not be here too. Though she is also part of the plan. But enough about her, you are here because...have you ever read the Bible?"

I fidgeted.
"Yeah, of course. My mother raised me going to a church near my home when I was young."

"Do you remember the flood story?" He asked.

"Ummm...yeah. The people of earth had angered God so he flooded the world and started the human race over with Noah..." and my throat closed up and my face paled. "'re not..."

"No. I'm not going to flood the world, but I think it's time to introduce humanity 2.0." He replied.

"I...I don't understand." I whispered as my hands got sweaty.

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