Chapter 10: Tell Me A Story

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Skylar's POV

I sat in the dirty, makeshift prison cell. I watched as Ultron's drones flew around the complex. It reminded me of a bee hive. Mindless, organized workers doing what the queen bee says. In this case the queen bee was Ultron. Pietro had tied me up with thick rope while I was in the prison cell. I hadn't been able to stop him because I was still heavily drugged at the time. I had burned it off of me after the effects of the drug wore off, but didn't dare leave my cell. Not because I couldn't. I most definitely could but I had a feeling the consequences would be intense. I sighed and leaned my head back against the cold bricks. I stuck my hands in my leather jacket and was honestly surprised they hadn't taken it away from me. I felt inside my pocket inside my jacket for the hard drive that I had kept on me for safe keeping. Panic struck me when I couldn't find it. Maybe it was in the other pocket?

"What are you doing?" A voice asked.

I (to my shame) gave a shriek of surprise to see Pietro suddenly standing at the front of my cell with raised eyebrows.

"Nothing. I wasn't doing anything." I denied straightening myself causing the necklace of my mother's ring to shift on my neck.

"Right. I'm supposed to believe that." He said sarcastically.

Next thing I knew he was right in my face and he slowly pulled out my necklace to look at it.

"That is a very beautiful necklace." He commented before ripping it from my neck with a cruel smirk.

"No! Please, give it back!" I begged reaching for it but he held it out of reach.

"Why? Rich girl like you probably has many pretty necklaces back home." He sneered looking at the ring and pocketing it.

"Please, it's special. It's from my father." I begged fighting the tears prickling my eyes.

"Oh, from Stark?" He said with a large smile as if enjoying my pain. "He must love his little girl a lot to give her such beautiful things. He's probably worried sick right now."

"It wasn't meant for me." I said bluntly watching his face fall in slight confusion.

"It was meant for my mother." I finished.

"Aw. So there's a Mrs. Stark." He confirmed watching me.

"No." I answered looking away.

"No? So Tony did not marry your mother....which makes you an illegitimate child." He said a cruel smirk coming back.

"I'm still a human being. My legitimacy doesn't depend on you or what you think of me." I quipped barely holding back a snarl at what he'd called me.

" How did you come into the custody of Tony Stark?" He asked leaning against the wall pointedly ignoring my response.

"And why in the name of Mike, would I tell you ANYTHING about me?" I questioned angrily at his nerve.

"Because I have this." He said pulling out the necklace to admire it.

I glared at him. I could feel my body heating up and tried to calm myself before my hands could catch on fire. Yes, I have gotten better at controlling it but this dude was really pushing it.

'His hair is so pretty and a marshmallow. I doubt he would look so pretty if I toasted him and his marshmallow hair.' I thought to myself as I clenched my fists.

"Oh, I also have this." He said batting his eyes innocently as he pulled a hard drive out.

My eyes widened and I felt my heart seize in panic.

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