Chapter 2: Waltzing Into Hydra Bases

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Skylar's POV


It all started this morning. I thought it was going to be just another day doing research on my mom in our hotel room. I should probably restate who I am or else this probably won't make any sense. My name is Skylar Stark. I wasn't technically a Stark until recently but that's a different story and I won't bore you with the details. Long story short, my dad is a rich superhero and I am his offspring who happened to undergo some unpleasant experimentation and wound up with some incredibly kick-butt superpowers. At least I think they are kick-butt. My mom went missing when I was twelve and I am determined to find out what happened to her. Last lead I got lead me to the small country in eastern Europe called Sokovia. Yeah, of course. It's not somewhere cool like England or Italy. It just had to be one of those little countries on the map that everyone struggles with in geography. Then again, if you wanted to disappear it would be a good place. It was five in the morning and I couldn't sleep, so I got up and made some pop-tarts and a cold glass of milk to try and wake myself up. I threw on a fall out boy t-shirt and a black hoodie with some grey jeans before sneaking out to the kitchen. I sat on the couch with my legs crossed beneath me and munched on my pop-tart. My pop-tart didn't possess it's usual comforting flavor. It tasted kind of like cardboard. I sighed and took a swig of my milk before looking out the window at the sun rising over the city.

"Sorry, pop-tart. It's not you, it's me." I said as I set the half eaten pastry on a plate on the table. I walked over to the window and let out a sigh. My breath fogged up the glass a little from the cold winter air outside.

My mother was out there. She had to be. Then why weren't we any closer to finding her.

I shut my eyes tightly and leaned against the window. The cold glass soothing my fevered mind.

"Mom. I love you and I miss you. Please be safe. I'm trying to find you, but everything is so hard right now. I-I miss you so much. I want you to be here to tell me what to do because...because I don't know what to do. I'm trying so hard to do the right thing but-" My voice choked up and I slid down to the floor and drew my knees up to my head. I tucked my head in and began to cry softly.

I heard the soft pitter pat of canine paws head towards me and I looked through teary eyes to see Mando looking at me with his head tilted in concern. Renae had decided to bring him with for moral support and back up protection if we needed it.

"I'm okay, buddy." I said as I wiped my nose on my hoodie sleeve.

He made a huffing noise as if to say 'Yeah, right.' and rubbed my arm with his head. I reached out and began to pet him. I glanced at his shoulder and saw the mark where he had been shot protecting Renae a couple of years back. The fur hadn't grown around the small mark giving Mando his very own battle scar.

"You really do understand me, huh buddy?" I said rubbing his belly as he laid on his back. "Both of us just doing our best in this messed up world. Both of us got hurt trying to protect the people we cared about."

His foot began to tap as I scratched his belly with more vigor. His tongue lolled at his mouth contentedly and I couldn't help but smile.

Then I heard the bedroom door creak open. Mando rolled back onto his stomach and pricked his ears at the sound. Renae came walking out of her bedroom. She was wearing a green jacket with a black cami with black pants and boots. Her hair was up in a neat ponytail and she was putting a  leather belt around her waist which had her gun holster in it too. I raised my eyebrow at the get up. The last few days have just been us lounging in our PJ's or comfy clothes and searching the internet for signs of my mom. Mando leapt to his feet and bounded over to Renae.

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