Chapter 11: End Game

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Renae's POV

"Alright. Thanks Happy." Tony said hanging up the phone.

"Anything?" I asked him concerned.

"No." Tony replied shaking his head and pulling out another file. "Which means she either still has it or has hidden it somewhere else."

"Hey." I said putting my hand on his shoulder making him look at me. "It's going to be ok."

"And what if it's not?" Tony snapped pushing my hand away startling me. "She's out there in the hands of people that hate me and therefore hate her and-"

I held up my hand and interrupted him.

"This isn't the first time this has happened and probably not the last. The first time, she nearly escaped without your help. She's smart, has superpowers and is stubborn as her father. She'll be fine." I comforted though I almost didn't believe the words myself.

Tony sighed but didn't say anything.

"How's Pepper?" I asked browsing through the file in my hand.

"Worried...and angry, the anger is mostly directed at me. She would be in Sokovia looking for Skylar herself if I had let her." Tony answered looking through another file. "I sent Happy to the same safe place Pepper is to look out for her until this all blows over. I-I can't lose anymore of my family."

"You haven't lost her yet." I reminded him. "Whatever crazy plan Ultron has it involves her so that means she's alive, at least for now. We have time."

"Yeah and that plan also seems to involve you." Tony quipped back. "Care to share with the class why he's so incredibly fascinated by you and Skylar?"

"I don't know, Tony." I sighed. "If I knew I wouldn't be searching through files trying to plot his next move."

I picked up the file and went to head to the next room for another box.

"Wait." Tony called.

I turned to look at him.

"I'm sorry. None of this is your fault...if anything it's mine. You tried to warn me. I'm not in a position to blame you for anything." Tony apologized looking chastised as he looked at the table.

"Tony. I wish you would have listened to me, but we can play the blame game all day and we wouldn't get anywhere. I accept your apology, but the way you can redeem yourself is by stopping Ultron and saving Skylar. Don't focus on blaming yourself. It's counter productive and we need your brain at it's absolute best. We need your help with this." I stated firmly.

He nodded in agreement before turning to the boxes of files and waving with a, "Thanks."

I walked out of the room to continue my search. Part of me wondered what was so important on the drive to Skylar for her to switch them out on Tony. I sighed in exhaustion as I looked at another giant box of unorganized files.

"Need some help?" Steve asked coming up from behind me and gesturing to the box.

"Be my guest." I replied with a tired smile as I grabbed a file and took a seat.

He pulled up a seat next to me and we sat in a comfortable silence as we tried to find anything useful about Baron Von Strucker.


Skylar's POV


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2018 ⏰

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