Chapter 5: Continued Working

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"How could you be so stupid, Skyler?! What could have possibly possessed you to do that?!" Happy ranted as he paced in the tiny kitchen of the hotel we were staying at. It was amusing at first to watch the big man try to pace in such a small room. At least it was half an hour ago. Adults ranting about teenager stupidity is annoying. I sighed in boredom, leaning my cheek on my hand as I traced random designs into the smooth countertop. I had one leg up on the barstool and the other leg hanging off of it as I sat waiting for Happy to get done lecturing me. Mando laid in the living room with perked ears watching the interaction with apparent interest.

"Really, Skylar! I taught you better than this!" Happy exclaimed throwing his hands in the air.

I raised my eyebrows at that. The last time Happy and I had been in a dangerous situation he had TRIED to be subtle but that ended up with him being in a coma. I didn't mention that though, no point in hurting his ego or adding another thirty minutes to his ranting.

"I know. I was stupid. I'm sorry." I said trying to muster conviction into my apology and failing miserably.

"No, you're not sorry! That's the problem, Skylar! We aren't trying to be mean, we are trying to keep you safe because we care about you. We don't want...we don't want you to get hurt again." Happy said softer this time with sadness shimmering in his eyes.

My fists tightened and I took a deep calming breath. Thinking about what had happened last time still gave me anxiety. No one but Renae knew of it though. How could I tell them? They would react like this and probably shut me in my room forever until I was "better."

"I'm fine, Happy. Even that situation turned out for the better!" I said brightly burying my anxiety beneath a mask of light heartedness.

Happy knew he was getting no where and lowered his head before saying.
"Kid, I know you're looking for your mom. And I believe in you, I really do, but you need to look out for yourself. No use doing all this work to find your mom to just end up getting yourself killed. Capiche?"

"Comprende." I nodded thankful that the lecture was over.

"Good. Well, I'm done yelling at you but Pepper is another story." Happy said wagging a finger at me.

I walked over to the couch and flopped dramatically onto it with a loud groan not wanting to think about all the toilets that were going to be scrubbed by me when I got back to the tower, and that was if I was hoping for best possible scenario.

"She was pretty irate when I left for the airport. Hopefully she'll cool down a bit before you have to see her." He said with a slightly sympathetic but mostly amused smile.

I grabbed a pillow and pushed it onto my face before groaning loudly again while praying that he would drop it.

"Yeah, she was saying something about bathrooms and then instead began talking about press conferences..." Happy said innocently although he knew it would make me panic.

"Ughhhh....I hate human interaction..." I mumbled into the pillow sitting on my face.

"She knows, that's why you'll probably be forced to go. Maybe a fancy gala instead? Then you'd have to dress up in a fancy dress and heels..." Happy said in poor humor.

"Nooooooo...don't speak of such terrible's even worse because I have to pretend that I'm blind while trying to look cultured and refined. Let me tell you, it's not fun nor is it easy." I muttered letting my arms flop dejectedly at my sides. Mando came over and licked one of my hands.

Happy lifted the pillow from my face.

"I can't hold off your inevitable punishment from Pepper but I can't let you suffocate yourself with a pillow either."

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