Dead or Alive....

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Hello everyone! Happy 2016! Hope you guys had a nice new year and that your 2015 wasn't that bad. And if you don't mind, I need your help. I'm trying to figure out which kid to ship with another kid. Boruto and Sarada are one and Hima and Inojin are another bit the rest I'm not sure. Got any ideas because that'd be very appreciated. Anyway on with the story!

"Oi! Granny, Himawari isn't seriously injured right?" Naruto asks.

Tsunade's eye twitched in annoyance, but she swallows her anger.

"Listen Naruto, she's fine. Only a few cuts and a bruise. Inojin is who I'm worried about."

Naruto nods. His daughter practically was glued to his bedside, and she only left when she had to be examined.


Naruto turns and his beloved wife runs up to him, his son and team not far behind.

"How's Himawari?" Hinata asks concerned.

"Where's Hima Old man!" Bolt yells looking around.

Naruto hugs Hinata and pats Bolt's head.

"Calm down dattebayo! Himawari is fine." He reassures them.

Hinata sighs in relief.

"What about Inojin?" Bolt asks.

Naruto gives a downcast look.

"Inojin is in critical condition right now. Aunt Sakura-chan and Aunt Ino are doing their best right now." Naruto says grimly.

"Poor Sai and Ino....." Hinata mumbles.

"Where is Uncle Sai?" Sarada asks looking around.

"He's over there." Mitsuki says pointing down the hospital hallway.

Sai was standing outside a door, just staring at it. Chōchō and Shikadai come running in along with their parents.

"Where's Ino?" Shikamaru asks, Temari not far from him.

"Is Inojin dead? He's still alive right?" Chōchō asks nervously.

Chōji pats his daughter's shoulder.

"Don't worry. He's a strong boy." Karui says.

"The InoShikaCho squad won't die out." Miyu says walking in with Sabaka.

"I agree. Inojin will most definitely live. Same for Himawari. She's ok right?" Sabaka says.

Naruto brings the group up to speed of the current events.

"Thank goodness. Hima's ok." Sabaka cheers. Maki yaps happily.


A siren in the hospital goes off. Tsunade curses under her breathe, and runs off to the emergency room, as well as other medic-nin.

"Wa-what's going on!?" Bolt yells.

"I know this siren! It's the alert signal!" Sarada yells over the sirens.

"What does that mean!" Sabaka yells.

"It means one of the patients is on the verge of dying!" Sarada yells.

"HEY! NO! I NEED TO STAY WITH HIM!" a voice yells.


Himawari and Ino are pushed out off the room. Ino runs into Sai's arms and cries. He hugs her back tightly.

Himawari sinks to the ground and cries against the door. Sabaka and Miyu run to their teammate, who flings herself onto them, sobbing.

The rest of them come running as well.

"Those *sniff* freaking medic ninja! I'm his mom! I should be in there!" Ino cries into Sai's chest.

Naruto scoops Himawari up in a hug.

"'s alright. It's ok." Naruto says hugging her.

"No dad! It's not!" Himawari sobs.

Miyu and Sabaka hug her. Maki whines and tries licking her leg.

"If I had just tried fighting back.....if I had just gone home earlier! He- He'd be ok! Not lying on a bed half dead!"

Himawari breaks down even more, crying uncontrollably. The rest can only watch as Himawari, Ino, and Said slowly sink into depression.

The siren keeps ringing and more medics go into the room. Naruto can only hold his daughter tighter, as she sobs into his chest.

As the sobs grow louder and louder, no one notices a faint green glow on Himawari's wrist. And soon a small chain tattoo grows on her wrist, but then dulls.

Outside the hospital, a new cloaked figure has tears streaming down her face.

"Phase two is now in place." She says, her voice cracking.

As she turns away, she mumbles a little to herself, singing and hugging her body.

" I wander in a trap in endless night

Losing the meaning of existence itself

I can't return to the past

Don't you dare to know

Crumbling are all things that I believe

I don't want to see the reality on my darkest days

I can't get out of my circumstances

Don't know where to go

Do you know that "hope" is fake in this world

And "despair" is the only truth I've got.."

As she disappears into the night, the rustling wind mixes with the sound soft sobs and jangling chains.

Hope you enjoyed! Please remember to give me your ideal ships for the kids. Totally of topic, but anyone ampped for Kamui/Corrin in Smash? Anyone excited for Fire Emblem Fates? If you don't know any of the above, that's chill. Have a nice day. Please vote and comment any ideas.

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