The Past

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Hey guys! Thanks for reading my stories so far. It's greatly appreciated. Now on with the story.
(Side note- the video is the trailer for the Naruto Online game. Explanation at the end)

Miyu quickly walked through the Hidden Leaf, grasping several brown paper bags tightly.

Tenten had sent her to buy some groceries from the market for dinner that night.

"Yo! Miyu!"

Turning slightly, she could see Metal Lee running towards her. She continued to walk but he caught up to her quickly.

"Hi Lee." She says.

"Hey. That bag for the dinner tonight?"

Miyu nods.

Every so often, Team Gai would meet for dinner and talk. Rock Lee, Tenten, and Gai-sensei would take turns hosting. At these dinners they had friendly conversations and thought back to old times. It was actually at one of these dinners that Miyu and Lee first met.

"I can't wait! Whenever you and Aunt Tenten cook, I'm filled with the power of youth!" Lee cheers.

"Yeah yeah." She says rolling her eyes.

Lee suddenly takes several of the bags from her.

"Hey! If you eat any-"

"Don't worry! You looked like you had your hands full!" He interrupts.

He grins at her and flashes a thumbs up. She shrugs and the two continue back towards her house.


Miyu sighs.

"The one day I leave my staff home." She frowns.

Himawari runs towards them, sweat pouring down her face.

"Let me guess....Haru is here."

Himawari nods.

Haru was the son of an influential clan outside of Konoha. The Hyuga clan had arranged for Haru and Himawari to get married, but the Hokage shot it down faster than Kakashi using a chidori. Unfortunately, Haru still thinks he has a shot.

"Go hide in the bathroom. I'll get rid of him." Miyu commands.

With a smile of gratitude, Himawari bolts of, leaving a trail of dust.

Only a second had passed when Haru appeared, sweat glistening off his forehead.

"Oh staff girl! Tell me where the most beautiful girl I've laid eyes on is!" He gushes.

Miyu facepalms and sighs.

"Obviously, she's standing right in front of you." Lee says with a grin.

"Himawari is here?! Where?!" Haru yells perking up.

He does a complete 360 turn, his eyes darting from side to side.

"Himawari? I thought you were looking for someone beautiful?" Lee responds in confusion.

"You idiot! How dare you say such rubbish about my sunflower!" He yells.

Miyu's eyebrow twitches.

"Fine she went on a mission to Suna. Go follow her there." She lies.

"Thank you staff girl."

And with that, Haru runs off in to Suna, the opposite direction of where Himawari ran to. The two watch him disappear.

"Well then. Let's run back to Aunt Tenten's house to deliver these goods." Lee cheers.

Miyu nods in agreement and leads him towards her house.

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