A Man's Desire

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Hi everyone! Hope you guys are enjoying summer and this story. And the picture is the Ozaí clan symbol. Thanks for taking the time to read my story. Now on with the story.

It was a little past two a.m., but Temp was still awake. He was keeping track of the hours that passed while watching her.


He was watching her sleep in his bed. Her face was in a calm and serene bliss. Her blue hair splayed out across the pillows. He was laying on the couch, watching her. Temp had just returned from being debriefed by Naruto.


"You're leaving?"

Temp turns a flashes a grin at Pelonite. She walks up to him. He looked at her. She was wearing an official Ozaí crest on the nightdress given to her. A white spagetti strapped dress to her knees with the crest.

"Yeah the Hokage wants to talk to me. Don't worry."

She nods. He pulls on his sandals and wraps his arm around her shoulders. He pulls her close to him.

"Don't worry, I'll meet you in bed later." He says coyly.

He grins wolfishly at her. He grabs her left shoulder and pulls her dress strap down and leaned closer to her.


He grips his nose and winches. Pelonite relaxes her fist.

"I'm going to bed. Goodnight." She says before turning away.

Temp swears under his breath and heads out to the Hokage's office. When he arrived, both Naruto and Shikamaru tried and failed to hold back laughter.

"She's something, isn't she?" Shikamaru laughs.

"She is. Now what did you need me for. Especially this late." Temp asks.

Shikamaru and Naruto fill Temp in on what they currently know about Pelonite.

"Damn. That's terrible..." Temp sighs.

"We have yet to figure out what her intentions were. We don't know why she chose to attack us." Shikamaru states.

"Nothing at all?" Temp says in surprise.

"Nothing. Your assignment is to figure out the truth. Why she did all of this and her motive." Naruto instructs.

"I will do it, Hokage-sama."

When he did return home he couldn't take his eyes off her. It's hard to believe she was the one to attack the village. Pelonite shifted in her sleep.

"Big......big sister...... don't........go." She mumbles.

Temp frowns and tells himself inwardly to wake her up if she starts screaming in her sleep.
"Mornin' team!"

"Good morning Temp-sen- WOAH!"

The girls jump back at their sensei. He looked normal except his nose was bleeding.

"Damn, who's skirt did you flip this time?" Miyu sighs.

"No. Who's wife did you flirt with this time?" Himawari complains.

"Better question. Who caught you peeping in the ladies room again?" Sabaka laughs.

Temp sulks at their lack of sympathy.

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