#2: History classes when I'm tired are the worst

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If you have one of those nights where you don't sleep for some reason -maybe you're just too hyper or maybe you have a LOT of homework to catch up on which is due in the next day-, it's always the worst when you have to go and be in classes the next day. Your morning routine becomes a chore- every single little movement becomes a chore when you're tired.

In my school, in Year 10, you're supposed to choose 3 options that you want to take for GCSE's (exams) in Year 11 and study them throughout that year. For some reason (can't actually remember why), the school let us choose 5 options during Year 8 for us to take once we got into Year 9. We were to study them throughout Year 9 and drop two of them before we go into Year 10.

Options, for people who don't really know what I'm on about, are lessons which aren't the 'core' ones: English, Science, R.E, P.E and Maths. So for my options, I had picked out: Business Studies, French, Drama, Art, and obviously, History.

My History classes are actually kind of awesome and not even boring in the slightest. I sit with people I can talk to and who are my friends, and the teacher is a mix of fun but strict (as in he has the BEST comebacks but still gets on with the class). But when I stay up most of the night and go to school tired, the lessons drag on a bit and I find myself feeling and looking stupid, saying incredibly dumb or weird things and forgetting where I'm going.

So I was in my History class one day, and the teacher brought up something about Jack The Ripper; that he would be who we were studying next and was probably going to be the topic our next History Assessment.

This may sound weird, but I was, and still am, interested in serial killers. I don't mean I'm one of those overly obsessive fan-girls who makes shrines dedicated to them, but I like learning about what they did and their motives for doing it, if the serial killer was still around today, and if their identity was known or not.

So because I do love mysteries, Jack The Ripper and theories of who he could actually be fascinated me. Wanting to know something does not make me weird or a psychopath, because there are people who look at Buzzfeed videos and come into school the next day telling me that dicks can break.

You know exactly who you are.

But that's besides the point. The night before that, I had stayed up later than usual and had only a few hours of sleep, so naturally, I arrived at each class looking and feeling like a zombie, and because this was the fourth lesson of the day, I was about ready to pass out. And after the teacher mentioned Jack The Ripper, I became slightly happy, but my fatigue prevented me from being anything but stoic.

Our teacher then answered a student's question, and told them that the place I live in -Barrow-In-Furness- used to be famous for drunkenness and prostitution.

Because being tired makes me stupid, I, instead of telling the person next to me (Cameron, the kidnapped elf in A Christmas Adventure) that "oh my god, I love Jack The Ripper," I accidentally said, "oh my god, I love prostitution."

And now Cameron won't ever let me live it down.

But he's recently accidentally said that World War 3 is gonna be good, so we're even now.


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See ya later, my little demons!

-F (admin)

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