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So... This is the intro. Obviously. I mean, the title is right above this text.

I'd make this intro really dramatic and cool if I could, with loads of awesome quotes and references to whatever TV shows, cartoons/anime/manga, but sadly I have no idea how I'd put those in here in a creative way.

And what I'm interested in isn't the focus of this book. I may do a chapter on all the stuff I like, but for now, I'll stick to a single intro and some stories.

Let's begin!

My name is Fran, which is short for Francesca (and I hate the full first name because it sounds too posh and weird).

I'm fourteen at the moment, and my birthday is the 10th September 2001.

I'm pretty short for someone my age, and outside of the internet, I swear a LOT.

My hair color is strange at the moment, because I dyed it red in the summer of 2015 and now it's a mix of light brown and a little bit of red. But that's not putting me off dyeing it red again in the summer of 2016.

I am incredibly British, and tea runs through my veins even though I despise it because it tastes like it has been contaminated by corpses.

I spell most things in the American way on here because apparently Wattpad does not accept my British-ness, or it's own name as that is now underlined in red as I'm writing this chapter.

All my pets are dead.

I can be sarcastic one minute, then deadly serious the next, then burst out laughing at something which happened years ago.

Writing, reading, drawing and eating are things I do way too much of. But I don't really care and I enjoy what I do.

And that's all you really need to know about me.


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See ya later, my little demons!

-F (admin)

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