#13: Campsite story

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So I went camping on a Friday, and came back on a Monday morning. I went with my friend, Emily, and her family  as well as mine. The time I spent there was pretty great: we wandered around the woods and I took some pictures, I ate a shit-ton of caramel shortbread and I won some tickets in the arcade with Emily.

On the night before we had to return back, Emily and I headed to the arcade as we had done each time we went on holiday to that particular campsite. It was around seven o clock, and as it's summer at the time this happened, It gets dark later. Plus, we don't have to worry about weirdos or drunks, cause practically everyone is sweet and friendly.

So we were at the arcade, winning tickets and messing around on the 10p machines. I wasn't having any luck, but Emily was on fire! Money was practically pouring out. 

Maybe that's what drew him over.

We didn't realize at first, but there was a boy around the same age as Emily (who is only about a year or two older than me) standing close by and spectating. I noticed him first, but before I could say anything to Emily, the dude just walked over and began talking to Emily.

At this point, I was thinking 'Oh my god, he likes her. Better give them some privacy so my new ship can sail.' So I nudged Emily and said "Gonna go over to some other 10p machines. Have fun~" and then walked off, receiving a glare from her which I noticed as I looked back over my shoulder.

But because I'm such an amazing and caring friend, I kept an eye on her and the boy just in case he turned out to be some strange homicidal maniac who was only after 15 year old blonde British girls who have an overwhelming obsession with K-Pop and dancing. I kept an eye on them from a distance, like a hawk. A really short, messed up hawk.

I went back over to Emily after a while and stood next to her, nudged her and grinned like the evil little motherfucker that I am as I said "I ship you two so much."

Emily tolerates me. I don't remember what happened next, as I only went over to say that one comment before walking away. But Emily came over after a few minutes and told me he was gone, but asked if she'd still be there in ten minutes, to which she had said yes to.

I made various jokes about how he was probably just leaving to get the engagement ring. I think Emily was having to resist with everything she had to not punch me in the face. But nevertheless, we went back to messing around on the 10p & 2p machines for a while. We forgot about his existence in a matter of minutes.

But then he came back, much to Emily's absolute horror and frustration. We had no time to hide. He found us within minutes, and was back to creepily spectating and chatting with my friend.

Again, I decided to irritate Emily by leaving her alone with the potential serial killer and his hot friend who had arrived just as I was walking away again. The same thing happened as before, but when he and his friend left the next time, they didn't come back.

Emily and I spent more time hanging out at the arcade: we had an incredibly violent and competitive game of air hockey (she hit the disk so hard it flew off the table and almost whacked a toddler in the face) and won a crap-ton of tickets.

As we walked back to the tent, I interrogated Emily about what the guy had said and if he came off as a creepy serial killer type of guy. She said he was the same age and asked if she had gone on holiday to get away from the stress of exams. They talked about what towns they lived in, but Emily was the only one out of the two of them who was decent at making conversation.

She did say that after he had said something (I can't remember what she told me he said), she accidentally winked and said to me that she regretted the day she was born simply because of that moment.

Before we got back to the tents, she told me that we should never speak of what happened to her family (at this time, the adults who came with us were all red-faced and drunk) because they would never shut up about it. I agreed. It would be our secret...

*cough* That I'm sharing with the internet. *cough*


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See ya later, my little demons!

-F (admin)

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