#6: 5/03/2016 Creep Watch

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This story isn't one where I've done something stupid, but it was one that creeped me out quite a lot.

Me and my friend, Saffron (the Grinch in A Christmas Adventure) were in town going through a load of shops, as you usually would do when you go to town. I was trying to buy a dress, because we were doing a script from Blood Brothers, and we needed to have a costume which fitted the character (Mrs Lyons for me) and also had something to do with semiotics.

Semiotics was important in our drama class, and to make sure the costume fitted a bad/sorta evil character like Mrs Lyons (To be honest, I totally think she's just misunderstood), I needed to find a dark colored dress. We did eventually find what we were looking for, and then spent about an hour or so wandering around through cafes, eating while Saffron told me various offensive jokes and way too many innuendos (I contributed to the Innuendo Counter, too).

Afterwards, we walked around an empty, fenced off park around the back of McDonald's, and just behind the park, there's a huge car park. Saffron called her dad to come pick her up as there was nothing left to do, and left about five minutes later. I texted my mum, and was waiting for her for about twenty minutes on my own, which I was totally fine with.

However, during the time I was waiting, a man got out of his car -keeping the door open- and watched me for the whole twenty minutes I was alone. He didn't look away once. Naturally, I started getting uncomfortable, and texted my mum to hurry up. She couldn't get there any faster, so I was stuck waiting for the remainder of the time.

The man was about fifty meters away from me, in the same position he had been in, and he was still watching me. I thought it was one of the PE teachers in my school, but as they never take my class for PE and I wasn't wearing a school uniform, it was impossible that they would have been able to recognize me. So the man staring at me was someone I had never met before, and who certainly didn't know me.

Thankfully, my mum arrived minutes later with her boyfriend, and I dashed into the car and made it home.


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See ya later, my little demons!

-F (admin)

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