#8: Year 6 Leaver's Assembly (2013)

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I think a lot of British people will understand the term 'Leaver's Assembly,' (not sure if they have these anywhere else) but for those who don't understand what this means, it is basically just where the Year 6 class does a talent show type of thing for the whole school and their parents and the rest of the school to watch on their last day in Primary school. In Year 6, pupils are aged 11 years old, and would turn 12 during their first year in Secondary school.

In my class, we had about two (maybe just a little over) weeks to practice for the Leaver's Assembly, whereas all the other Year 6 classes which had come before ours must have had way more time for preparation. In addition to that, we had recently just finished our SAT's tests and had been on one/two residential trips. We were honestly just ready to break up for the summer and do nothing for a whole six or something weeks before being pushed head-first into the horror of High School.

In the Leaver's Assembly, you have to do at least one thing for the show. It doesn't matter what it is - you just have to appear on the stage at some point. By the time we had been told to start practicing and thinking up ideas for what we wanted to do, I had already decided on doing two things.

The first thing was to do a dance with three of my friends to Nicki Minaj's Starships, wearing a pink tutu thing, pink leggings, pink everything.

The second was a mashup of songs with another one of my friends. Some of the songs were (I had no say in what songs either): Black and Gold, No Diggity (my friend had been watching Pitch Perfect), Super Bass and The Power Of Love.

However, at some point, the first thing I was going to do was cancelled by my friends, and so I was stuck singing a mashup of songs. At the time, I thought all of the songs me and my friend were singing were perfectly okay, and it's only now that I can look back at it and cringe, cry and generally just wish I didn't exist up until the beginning of Year 7.

So, me and my friend went up on a stage in front of over a hundred people with parents and teachers included, and sang our mashup of songs pretty terribly as we were only eleven, didn't understand what half of the songs meant, and were scared shitless.

But the Leavers Assembly did turn out pretty well in the end. We all got on stage at the end and sang The Climb by Miley Cyrus. Our teacher cried, I think. I was very close to crying at that point as well.

We celebrated later on by riding a double-decker open-top bus around Barrow whilst squirting silly-string at each other and accidentally hitting the cars below, too. We went home after that, changed clothes, and then went somewhere else to have a party.

The free food was obviously the best bit of the whole thing.


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See ya later, my little demons!

-F (admin)

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