#12: Omegle at a sleepover

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This story happened last weekend on a Saturday (30th April 2016), when me and my friend Saffron decided to have a sleepover and stay up practically all night. I was totally exhausted the next day, having only three hours sleep, but managed to read the whole of Girl Online: On Tour in the time it took Saffron to wake up.

We had a great time: drinking too much coffee and eating excessively, dancing fabulously to music downstairs at 2 AM, watching The Ghost Maker and Ted 2, finding out that somebody nearby had been attacked/killed, ranting about people we didn't like and watching Try Not To Laugh videos on YouTube.

At some point, probably after we had gone back upstairs when we had finished dancing and watching Ted 2, Saffron decided that we should go on Omegle.

I had never been on it before, but had seen enough Omegle videos on YouTube to know that the basic idea of it is to talk to strangers with similar interests to you and just pray to God that you stumble across someone with their dick on show.

Sadly, during our brief time on Omegle, we did come across a guy who had his face hidden and had his hands down his pants. We were out of the chat within seconds of realizing what was going on.

There were three more encounters which were quite interesting, but not of someone touching themselves. We had various people trying to insult us by calling us lesbian - as if sexuality is an insult. The following is what I remember from each of these chats.

Stranger 1: A boy, who looked to be around the same age as me and my friend Saffron but might have been a bit younger. Saffron typed "how are you" into the chat. With no facial expression whatsoever, his spine and neck folded as he stared into the webcam, he typed "worse now that I've seen you two" and left.

Stranger(s) 2: A group of about three nine year old boys. They were all huddled around the computer and staring at the screen while Saffron and I said hello and waved. Because of lag, their reactions were a bit delayed. Then, without even saying hello back, they all said "aren't you two a bit young to be on here" and left.

Stranger 3: This person was the weirdest by far: never once showing their face and instead typed into the chat with a blacked-out webcam. I think I remember him complimenting us, and then typed "I think you two are wearing too many clothes." We told him that we were 13/14 years old and he told us that he was 16. But with a blacked-out webcam, he could have been either 16 or 61 and we wouldn't have known. He typed "I think you should kiss" and Saffron quickly replied "and I think you should shut up and stop creeping" before she left the chat and Omegle.

It was an interesting and slightly disturbing experience to say the least. The weirdest things seem to happen when I'm with Saffron, but in a way I'm glad that they do, otherwise I wouldn't have more stories to write up on here.


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See ya later, my little demons!

-F (admin)

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