#16: Toaster

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I think I've mentioned that I say some pretty weird things when I'm sleepy, and this story will just further confirm that Sleepy Fran is more than a bit weird.

The date of this story doesn't matter, and I can't remember when it was anyway, but it was a morning, and it was at some point on a weekend or short holiday.

I was downstairs in the kitchen, making a cup of coffee and wearing my Christmas pajamas even though it was early in the year. I got hungry, as people do in the morning, and so I put some toast in the toaster before continuing to make my coffee.

A couple minutes later, the toast popped up. Sleepy Fran jumped, as I hadn't -for some reason- expected that to happen even though that's part of the process of making toast, and said to the toaster...

"Shut up!"

Yes, Fran, because toasters totally sentient creatures who gain joy from doing their job as toasters and scaring the living shit out of you at the same time. Yeah, that's totally it, you fucking idiot.

Sorry, I'm a bit stupid.



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See ya later, my little demons!

-F (admin)

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