Forget it

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Mystic Falls, Lake house 2013

Rebekah was texting her friend Camille a little report about her brother-
"He seems better, but I know him, he is not really well. Not yet. But something made him start writing again and that is a very good sign. Talk to you later"
-she pressed the send button.

She looked out to the lake taking in the afternoon sun as if needing its energy to invigorate her.


New Orleans 2011

"We have to dagger him, Rebekah!!"- there's no other way!"- Kol said in a frenzy.

"No! We said -WE PLEDGED- no more daggering!!"- Rebekah shouted back at her brother.

"Ok- do you have any better ideas?? She turned his emotions off-  Dahlia is not just any witch- a thousand years of dark witchcraft is in her, Bekah!!"- Kol put out all his sister already knew so very well.

"So, ready for the walk?"- Elijah's words brought his sister back to reality.

"Yes, I am"- Rebekah said now walking to him.


At Withmore 2011

Elena walked into her apartment, followed by Caroline.  As they drove away from the party Elena had told her friend about Elijah. Growing up in Mystic Falls had its share of weirdness, so Caroline was not gobsmacked. 

"What if it is a curse of the lake house all over again?"- Caroline said.

"Even if it is- I need to find out"- Elena said-" look"- she now produced her diary showing Caroline the sentence 'This is the way it should be'

"That's your mother's handwriting!"- Caroline said.

"I know. How did it get there? Also- I threw the diary into the lake- a year ago- and it comes back to me from the future!!"- Elena stated.

"How did it go with Mrs Lockwood?"- Caroline asked.

"She is letting me use her library."- Elena said cheerfully.

"Maybe it was just an accident!"- Caroline said referring to Elena's parents deadly ride over the Wickery bridge.

"It was St. Katherine's Day"- Elena said as she took out a bottles of water out of the fridge handing one over to Caroline.

"Huh- I am scared for you- sorry, but I am- "- Caroline said as she took a swag of water.

Elena laid down on the sofa and her thoughts jumped to the photo of Elijah.

Caroline noticed her floating away remarking-
"Oh- don't tell me you're moonstruck already. You don't know anything about him- well, not really!!"

Elena turned around hugging the pillow -"Did you see him? He is just so-wow!"

"Are you twelve?!"- Caroline said reacting to her friend's exclamation.

"Well, I don't care- I have not felt like this in -forever- Can't wait for his letter - I feel something so warm and- anyway-you read about him"

"This could all just be publicity- you don't know the real him- and he has not written anything since 2009-"- Caroline added.

"It said that he  took time off because of his family."- Elena said.

Caroline rolled her eyes. She knew that whatever she said Elena would have an answer for it. Also, her friend would pursue something that interests her to the bitter end, and no one could stop her. As always, she was there to assist her, so she told her to count on her and now said goodbye for the night and left.

Elena took her computer, opened it and browsed through the series of books he had written, ordering a few of them.

Days after at the Lake House

Rebekah left within a day after Elijah had assured her that he was better and that he needed more time to himself before he was ready to return to New Orleans. 

"Just remember- this was not your doing-"- Rebekah said as she was about to enter her car.

"I do know that - but it still is no consolation. I killed him. And that burns my soul."- Elijah said sighing deeply.

"Blame me. I should have daggered you before-"- Rebekah said.

"Before it was too late!"- Elijah finished her sentence. 

She nodded with tears in her eyes.

"Come here."- Elijah embraced his sister. He knew that her concern for him was also reflecting her own pain she harboured  inside of her. 

Their hug said without much words expressed everything they were going through and the comfort gave some relief. 

As she left, Elijah returned to his writing. It was nothing like the novels he had written before. It was still a mystery, but this time a woman was the main character. The setting was the Middle ages. After a few lines, he stopped as he thought of a description of the woman. 


New Orleans 2010

Elijah walked out into the mad streets of the French Quarter. It was the Mardi Gras, but strangely he enjoyed the crowds and the madness of it. In the whole colourful crazy crowd a face of a woman with long brown hair laughing at something her friends said caught his eye. Was it her beauty of an aura of something sunny and positive, but he would remember her and carry that capture forever. He whizzed away, never approaching her. 

"Yes- right. Nameless girl- you will be Helena- heroine of this book."- he uttered. 

But instead of continuing with the writing, he reached out for Elena's letter. 

He had not written her back, and not because of Rebekah staying. He didn't know what to reply to her, especially to her proposal to meet him. What was he thinking- that she would not want to meet him- that all this would not raise curiosity with her. That was not him. He would always think things through before. 

"Forget it!"- he said to himself. Then put the letter back in the envelope. 


Elena travelled every day to see if there was a letter for her. Nothing. It baffled her. What had happened? Why didn't he reply? She stood in front of the mail box. She looked again. There was nothing in there. Disappointed she walked to the house. Opened it and walked in. 

"Are you here?"- she said- "I am going crazy- of course you're not."

She went up to the desk. It was tidy. Exactly as she left it. She sat down at it. She pulled a paper out of the drawer.

"Dear Elijah,

I don't know if you will get this. Anyway, I am writing - don't really know why. My friend thinks that all this is a mad thing anyway. And so... well, -"

Elena stopped there and crumpled up the paper tossing it into the bin. She then demonstratively walked out of the house, locking it up and leaving the place. 

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