Time brought you to me

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Lake house, October, 2012

Elena woke up looking around. For a moment it was not clear to her how she was there. Then she saw the diary on the coffee table and it jumped up her memory. She sat up as if someone threw a bucket of cold water on her. She took the diary and opened it at the last page she found a letter. She quickly opened it-

"My dearest Elena,

as you are reading this you know that everything that had happened was for a reason. All the letters, all the time apart. It was magic. I was sent to you to save you. I was sent to right the wrong the dark magic had been imposed on you and your family. I don't know how to explain this to you. Elena, you are the one that carries the burden of maintaining the balance. But you are the one that can and will neutralize the dark magic that is taking over the town of Mystic Falls. It is a place of the source of magic. Your diary holds some powerful magic you need to learn. Next time you meet the woman who is you-yes, who in fact is you- you will face her, you will know how to stand up to her using the words of the magic in the diary.

And- Elena, don't go looking for me. Don't try to find me. Just wait for me. Wait for me. Please. Wait with me. Wait two years and come to the lake house and I will be there. I love you. I love you so very much. Yours, always and forever, Elijah."

Elena put the letter down in her lap. She then looked around and all that had happened to her went in front of her as a film- she saw her and Elijah talking in this room- she saw Sophie.

"It was all real"- she muttered to herself. Then she jumped up taking her phone - it said - 8th October 2012.

Then another flashback appeared-

Elena walked out of a pub in Whitechapel, London. The woman in black stood in front of her in broad daylight looking at her. Elena felt slightly nervous as she thought that yet again her mind was playing tricks on her.

"You see me the same as I see you"- Katherine said revealing herself to Elena, transforming her victorian look and her pale countenance into the 21st century version of herself.

Before she knew it Katherine had her by the neck chocking the life out of her

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Before she knew it Katherine had her by the neck chocking the life out of her. But the magic in Elena was not letting Katherine take it. The anger made Katherine strangle her nemesis, leaving her laying on the street.

Elena dialled Jeremy's number.

"Hey, sis?!"- he said.

"Jeremy!!! Jeremy..."- Elena's eyes watered as she heard her brother's voice.

"What's up? Why do you sound like weird- are you all right?"

"Yeah- I'm fine. Really fine- ahn- I am at the Lake house- and if you're not doing anything we can have something to eat at the Grill?"- Elena suggested wiping her tears.

"Nothing much. Meeting Anna later. So, what- see you in an hour?"-Jeremy said.

"Yeah, that would be great"- Elena said hanging up.

She then called Caroline and Bonnie, for more proof that she went back in time. Her friends were still in Withmore.

"Magic-"- Elena muttered looking at the diary. Nothing was unreal. It was all very real. All she had experienced. All the letters from Elijah. Him coming to the Lake house. Everything completed like a picture made of puzzles.

"I will wait"- Elena said placing the kiss on the letter. She then put in the diary and took off.

The Lake house, October 8th, 2014

Elena parked the car in front of the lake house and got out of it. All of her heart, all of her body trembled with anticipation- she looked around and everything was as she had left it a few days ago. She went to the mail box and opened it. Habit. There were no letters. She was fine with it. The magic had worked. Her brother was alive and safe. She was alive and safe.


A few months ago

"I read his letters every day. I dream that he is reading to me while I am asleep. I feel his hands holding mine. Him carresing my face. I want to go look for him. I am like so burning inside. And I am so scared that I would not meet him. That something will take him away from me..."- Elena said to Caroline.

"Come one- you are overreacting- why do you think the worst?"

"Because - I got this miracle- I got Jeremy back. I kicked ass of that Katherine monster- I broke the curse- and somehow I feel that something won't allow me to have him."

"Just stop it. You so deserve it. And you will see him. And you will have him. Anyway, change of subject- let's talk dresses- Bonnie let us choose bride's maid dresses- I thought the pastel colours-"

As she snapped out of the flashback, Elena walked to the house and unlocked it. She took a deep breath.

"Please- I hope you are all right- I am here-" - Elena whispered taking the flower he had left to her that one time in the mailbox.

And then she heard the car pull up - her heart stopped a beat literally as she got out and saw him getting out of the car.
Did she run or walked as fast as she could, she couldn't describe it later to her friends. She knew only that they met up at the mailbox. There was no need for words. Everything streamed through their eyes fusing all in a long awaited kiss.

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