In love

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A/N: Ok, here is a clip from the movie Sleepless in Seattle (which Elena and Caroline watch and talk about! This clip so fits for so many reasons for Elena and Elijah in this story!

Sleepless in Seattle is like one of my favourite movies of all time! :D


Day after in Withmore- 2011

"I think I am in love with him"- Elena said to Caroline.

"You're in love with a guy you saw for like a second??- Caroline said amazed at Elena's declaration nearly choking on her wine.

"I am."- Elena confirmed -" Yes, I saw him like in a second, but I feels like I've known him forever- in his letters he is so- whats the word- dreamy-"

"Dreamy??!"- Caroline uttered wide-eyed-"OMG- this so the case of Sleapless!"- Caroline now referred to the movie Sleepless in Seattle.

"Oh, it is so Sleepless! You're right!!- The way he looked at me- and he knew me! This is so like in Sleepless! "-

"Elena- it's just this thing you are having is not a movie!"- Caroline said walking over to the kitchen counter pouring herself more wine.

"No, it's very real. Yesterday- I think I even felt him being in the house- I mean he was in the house at the same time - and we even tried to sync out the moment again at the mail box but it didn't work. But we could pass notes - and it was like we talked.

"Thisis movie is like your thing with Elijah! She doesn't really know this guy and she falls in love with him."

"Yes- that's exactly it- OMG!"- Elena exclaimed- "oh- when he sees her at the airport- and-"

"I know - he tries to explain to his son that there is no such thing as perfect- and then he sees her and- magic!!"- Caroline continued.

"Magic!!"- Elena said.

"I get it all now! It's a sign!"- Caroline said significantly.

"Yes! Definitely- So- I guess we are watching Sleepless again!?! "

"We are- again! This one I can watch thousand times. Did you get any popcorn?"-Caroline aske

"Oh- microwave!"- Elena rushed over to get the popcorn out.

Soon they were on the sofa with the popcorn, like they used to do in their teenage times, settled to enjoy the movie they watched more then thousand times. Elena could not think but anything but Elijah.

In the lake house at the same time, but in 2013

Elijah was on the phone to Sophie. He asked the witch to come and check out what magic was at work, explaining to her some strange details adding the encounter with Elena.

"I have a feeling there is more to this than just a coincidence,"- Elijah said to her.

"I don't believe in coincidence when you and your family is concerned"- Sophie said-"seriously- how did you end up there anyway?"

"I answered an ad- the name Mystic Falls just grabbed my attention!"- Elijah explained.

"And you have not seen pr heard from the person who placed the ad- I mean- someone from 2013?"- Sophie said.

"No- and there's no trace of her either-I always get to a dead end - like she changed her name or something- but I did find her brother's grave- huh- I couldn't tell her that- at least not before you check everything out"-

"Ok, I will see you soon." Sophie said and hung up.

Elijah sat down on the sofa taking out Elena's last letter he had received -

"Elijah, this has been a lovely day for me, too. I am sorry if all my questions were like I was quizzing you, but I guess- it was normal. Normal, what am I thinking. Nothing is really normal about this - and yet feels so right, like you said. And you were not being forward- you were- I don't know why I can't find words to describe all that is going on. And yes- I would love to go out on a date with you. How are we going to do this- ? Ahm- I guess we meet here? Sunday - brunch? Looking forward to it. Elena"

How does love happen? How does falling in love happen? Is it just by one look, is it in days spent together, is it something he or she had said or had written... what magic is it? -Elijah thought smiling a little as his heart warmed up recalling her image once again.

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