Anyplace, Anywhere, Anytime

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The wishing and the wanting were two different things. Elijah so vividly remembered it on his own skin. Hope was a completely different matter. He never come to endevour to deserve to touch the glimpse of hope. Hope for what? To love and be loved. And yet love and hope were staring him in the face.

Coming to Mystic Falls was to find peace, and now it turned  into a brewing storm. Sophie, who was no ordinary witch, immediately discovered that the house had been spelled.

"It's an old spell. Well, not the house really, but the ground. It's a burial site of a witch."- Sophie said.

Elijah received all this with mixed feelings. It was obvious that something bigger was at play.

" I should have called you earlier. Can you read more about why this is happening-?"

"There is a reason her ghost, her magic is allowing this"- Sophie said-" I could find out more - but only if she allows me!"

"Thank you"- Elijah said-"I am sorry for having you sworn to secrecy- Rebekah would not understand"

Sophie waved it off with her hand-"Your secret is safe with me! Hey" you said something about the town had a good grill place?"

"Yes. Oh, where are my manners. You must be starving"

"I want to know everything about this Elena!"- Sophie said as they got out of the house.

Elijah raised his eyebrow smirking a bit at Sophie. The witch had been his friend for the last two decades, having undergone a terrible ordeal herself because of his aunt Dahlia and her own cousin Monique. She was glad that he was better and that he had a reason to carry on.

Sometime ago- Sophie's bistro kitchen New Orleans

"Forgive me"- Elijah said humbly to the witch, who stood silent for a second holding the plate with her famous gumbo ready to take it out to be served.

With tears in her eyes happy to see her friend she uttered-"I am glad you're back! Sorry we daggered you!"

"It had to be done- too late though!"- Elijah uttered.

"Yeah-I'm sorry. We tried. Well, we are still trying to get her back"-Sophie said referring to Hope.

"Yes, Rebekah told me. After everything my family has done to yours- you-"

"You are not just any vampire and not all the witches are the same-"- Sophie continued.

"I know- you first lecture"- Elijah said.

"Hey- I have plenty of those."- she paused and then say-"it's good to have you back"

In Withmore 2011

Elena was reading one of the diaries that have apparently belonged to her great-grandfather Albert Gilbert. Everything was just an ordinary account of his activities at the Medical school, till she got to a very strange entry.

'Monday, March 15th,

I am sure now that this family does have a curse set on them. The witches have persistently been pestering us. All they wanted yet half a pint of  blood. I am writing this because  maybe one day someone would want to know who and why this was done."

"What was done??"- Elena said in frustration. There were pages missing.

And the end of the diary she found this poem written.

The Vampire

You that, like a dagger's thrust,
Have entered my complaining heart,
You that, stronger than a host
Of demons, came, wild yet prepared;

Within my mind's humility
You made your bed and your domain;
- Infamous one who's bound to me
Like any felon by his chain,

Like a gambler by his games,
Like the bottle and the sot,
Like the worms in one's remains,
- Damm you! Damnation be your lot!

I've begged the merciful, swift sword
To overcome my liberty -
To poison I have said the word:
Save me from poltroonery.

Alas the sword! Alas the poison!
Contemptuous, they spoke to m:
"You never can deserve remission
Of your accursed slavery,

"Imbecile! - If our deadly empire
Freed you from your present fate,
Your kiss would soon resuscitate
The cold cadaver of your vampire!"

Elena closed the diary. Again no clues. But this entry stirred some unpleasant feeling inside of her. There were secrets in her family and they were always shoved under the carpet. Secrets that had cost her parent's lives. She strongly believed that their death was not an accident and this entry disturbed her. 

"Witches!"- she now said. Witches were mentioed in the historical society. Not once. Mrs Lockwood had even written a book on the three families banished from the town during the witch hunt. 


Three months later,  England, 2013

"Is this her?"Sophie asked Elijah as he got out of the consultant's office.

"It is!"- Elijah said grimly. 

"Ok. Ahm... I'll be here waiting."- Sophie said.

Elijah nodded slightly as a confirmation. He then walked down the corridor and went to the ICU were the coma patients were held. 

He stood for a moment. All of him was still processing the news he had received. A nurse then asked him if he would come in. He was welcomed. 

He walked in the room, where Elena laid. She looked like she was only sleeping, if it wasn't for the small respiratory tubes in her nose. She looked the same as the day he saw her. 

"Hello..."- Elijah uttered gently now taking her hand as he sat down on the chair next to the bed. 

He was silent agan just looking at her. He could look at her forever. But he had wished it was in other circumstances. The nurse now got him back out of his moment. 

"Finally we know her name. I am so glad. Although Jane does suit her as well. If you need anything, please let me know."

"Thank you."- Elijah said politely. The nurse smiled a little and then left. 

Elijah's attention was now solely focused on Elena. 

"I found you. And- I wish things were differently. Huh- what am I saying. For a man who is good with words- they escape me now, my darling."

He now raised her hand and kissed it. 

His thoughts went to Elena's letter of their first date together and the words of a song she had written- 

"....we spent about two years in London, my mom was doing some research. She loved the 80s music and she listened to it all the time. I listen to them now. Somehow it keeps me close to her. Here are words of a song that I just need to share with you- 

If we belong
To each other, we belong
Anyplace, anywhere, anytime
(Drawn together by the flame, we are just the same.
Embrace the wind and fall, into another time and space.)
If we belong to each other, we belong
Anyplace, anywhere, anytime
I'm going to any world
You're coming from
Anyplace, anywhere, anytime
Gib mir die Hand
Ich bau dir ein Schloss aus Sand
Irgendwie, irgendwo, irgendwann."

"Yes, Elena.we belong together..."

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