A Lovely day

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"Elijah?!"- Elena gasped.

"Elena??"- he could not believe who he was seeing in front of him-"you are Elena??"

Elena nodded in confirmation, then uttering-"I am"

"You are-" and as he moved his hand up from the mail box, all of a sudden the sight of Elena vanished.

"Elijah- where??- What just happened??"- Elena was stunned as she could not see him anymore "Elijah??"- she called out once more trying to reach out into the air in front of her.

Whatever it was that let them have this brief moment, now was no more.

Elijah now desperately called her name out as well. But she had disappeared like the Fatamorgana. He then noticed that he still held the note with the flower and swiftly put it in the mail box closing the flap.

"Elena-" -he said holding with his hand the mail box. There was no movement. Everything was like yesterday and the day before yesterday, and yet nothing was the same. He knew that magic was at play here, but now having seen her, now knowing that she is not just a random woman he rented this place from, his whole world became even more feverishly enchanted.

"You are the woman from Mardi Gras!!"- he now uttered finally, but Elena could not here him. *

Elena, herself, tried to comprehend what she had experienced. There were questions after questions piling up in her head. Her phone rang and its incisive buzzing made her grab it out of her pocket answering with a stern-

"Elena? Wow- who pissed you off?- Caroline said.

"Ah-no one. I just have a terrible headache- and- everything is going wrong today.- Elena replied.

"We were supposed to meet like ten minutes ago!"- Caroline said.

Elena now recalled their agreement and apologized explaining that it slipped her mind completely. They rescheduled and Elena now went for the house. She was distraught by the events - forgetting for a second to look at the mail box. She turned around swiftly and went hastily back to it. Gulped a bit opening it- the note and the flower were there. Elena took it out unscrolling the note- it both brought sadness and exhilaration to her. Was this a goodbye of some sort? It can-t be! Not now. Not after something allowed them to have a momentary physical contact. What can she do? Not send him an electronic message, can't call him. And why is all this happening. She ran back to the house in a frenzy - and looked for a paper and rushingly jotted down-

"Elijah, thank you for the note and the flower. Don't go. Please tell me that you saw what I saw- I mean you- I heard you- I don't know why this is happening- but I want to know- Please, let me know that you received this- Elena"

She hurried back to the mail box slipping the note inside closing the flap.

"Please-"- she whispered in desperation. She closed her eyes for a moment as if calling once more the magic out of nowhere to open the veil between time and let her be with him.

And Elijah still stood there hearing the click as she had closed the flap. He opened it- and the note written so feverishly was all he needed to make his heart warm up.


"So, Davina, you are sure when we undagger him that this would definitely work?"- Rebekah asked the witch.

"Triple sure."- the witch said annoyingly- "the hex will be gone, but his memory won't"

And so it was. The memory of his deeds plagued him like as if he someone was ripping his heart out every single moment of the day.

"You were not yourself, Elijah. It was the hex."- Rebekah said.

"Because of me- he is dead and the little girl is with that wretched woman."- Elijah said.

"And we will get her back."- Rebekah now reassured him.

And how did he cope with all the misery inside of him?
The capture of the woman that time made the world a bearable place, easing his tortured soul. This woman, for some reason was years apart. He was brought to her. Magic had dealt him the worse hand in the past and now, it seemed the best hand.

He returned to the house.

"Dear Elena,
yes, I have seen you. I have heard you. It was like sunshine after days of gloomy rainfall. I don't know what exactly is at play here. My intention was to leave today. But I am staying. At least for a few more days. Then I have to return to New Orleans for a family matter as my sister Rebekah needs my help."- Elijah now looked out the window and in his mind he brought out the image of her saying out his name-could a man fall in love at the first sight and know she is the one- yes-he was convinced at that-he continued -
"seeing you made this a lovely day- Elijah"

When the day that lies ahead of me
Seems impossible to face
When someone else instead of me
Always seems to know the way

Then I look at you
And the world's alright with me
Just one look at you
And I know it's gonna be
A lovely day

E&E- Timeless loveDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora