chapter 3

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Ed's POV

"Can I ask you something Ed?" I was nervous. What would she ask me? I managed to stutter out a sure. Want to go hang out later at my place? I just got a trampoline. yea,Sounds fun.Ok see you at 4? Perfect.

I get to Taylor's house a few minutes late. I didn't want to act overly excited. I knock and she opens the door with a big smile. "Hi. Come in Ed."

Taylor's POV

Ed Comes in and sits on the couch. I join him. I see you brought your guitar. Yea. I'll go grab mine and we can write a little. I come back guitar in hand to see Ed starring at my trampoline. Let's go jump for a few minutes. Alright I say bringing my guitar as he does the same.

We run out to jump forgetting we have guitars in hand. We set then down by a tree and Ed picks me up and throws me on the trampoline. He grins evily. Pay back. With that we both laugh while he hops on.

He's standing up and jumping making it hard for me to get up. Little did he know I was going to trip him hehe.

Ed's POV

As I'm jumping Taylor decides to trip me making me almost fall on her.Luckily for her she moved. We lie there laughing for like an hour. She turns to her side as do I copying her. We are centimeters apart. That's when Taylor moves away. Go figure. I suddenly get the idea of getting our guitars. I hand her a guitar and say, lets write a song.

everything has changed (ted sweeran)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat