chapter 9

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note:this chapter may have swearing in it because this chapter is very dramatic.

Taylor's POV

when Ed and I were walking back I saw the last person I wanted to see. Harry Styles.

"What the hell are you doing Ed?!?! You know Taylor is my Ex!"

"I'm sorry dude, but I liked Taylor before you, you knew I liked her yet went out with her anyways."

"Taylor your coming with me,"harry said furiously.


"I'm not asking you in telling you."

And Ending with that all I remember Ed punching harry When he tried to grab me. Then everything went black.

Ed's POV

When harry tried to take Taylor I completly lost it. I punched Harry and I guess Taylor was so scared she fainted.Harry punched me and I fell to the floor. Then he took Taylor, who was laying on the floor, and ran away. I ran after hin but he was out of sight. God only knows what he's going to do to poor Taylor.Wait..... I have an idea.

I grab my phone and go on instagram, When im on Harry's page I check the location. YES! it was turned on. Stupid stupid Harry. (fictional, I know harry isn't stupid enough to have it on.)He's at the corner of wall street. At 1323. Isn't that the abandoned ware house? I better act fast.

Taylor's POV

I wake up tied to a chair in an unknown location.I hear someone behind me.

"well well well. look who's awake."

"WHERE AM I!?!!?" I scream.

"wouldn't you like to know."

Harry then grabs a baseball bat and starts beating me with it.I cry and scream in pain but nobody can hear me.Just then Ed walks, scratch that, runs in.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!?!?!"Ed screams angrily at harry while punching him in the face.

Harry while gripping the baseball bat, hits Ed in the face. Oh gosh, He's bleeding now. As if I didn't realize I was also bleeding.Ed punches Harry in the nose hard enough to make him fall was enough time for him to untie me, give me his phone and say,"go call the cops." With out hesitating I run outside and do so.

Ed's POV

I'm holding Harry off as much as I can.He slams me against the wall and says,

"This is all your fault. You just had to take Taylor didn't you.And now, your going to pay."

He punches me in the nose and eyes, giving me a bloody nose and black eyes making it hard for me to see.I tackle him and hold him down. Just then the police arrives.

A/N:Wow. So much drama. What do you think will happen next? And to any directioners reading, I only made harry mean for dramatic effect. I in fact know he's nice and would never hurt a girl. Comment what you think will happen next.

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