chapter 8

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Ed's POV

Taylor and I walk back to the bus so we can get ready for the concert. Before we reach the bus I stop her.

"Taylor, do you think we should tell the world, about you know, us?"

"Yes. I think we should."

She puts a huge smile on her face. I'm glad she wants to do this. I want to whole world to know, the great Taylor swift is mine.

"let's tell everyone tonight after our duet. how does that sound?"

"Perfect," I say right before kissing her cheek.

Taylor's POV

I'm so happy Ed wants to tell the world like me.I can't wait for our duet. The truth is, Everything has changed, in the best way possible. I go to Ed's dressing room hoping to hang out with him before he's on. After Ed opens the door to let me in I get lost in his eyes. We both lean is and start kissing.With what feels like 5seconds, we have been making out for 5minutes.

The stage manager comes in to tell Ed he's on is 2minutes. While lookinh embarrassed she leaves right after she says that.

"well I better get a move on."

Before he leaves we make time for one more quick kiss.

"good luck Ed." I say giving him a heartwarming smile. He kisses my cheek and leaves to go on stage. I feel sick, like butterflies in my stomach. i've never felt this way about anyone before. I feel different about Ed. Like he's the one. I'm proud to admit, I'm in love with Ed Sheeran.

After a long night, its finally time for Everything has changed. I introduce Ed as he comes from the sound booth. Looking better than ever. I can't help but get lost in his gorgeous blue eyes as we are singing. Before I know it the song is over.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Ed and I have some very exciting news to tell you, and your the first to hear it!"

The crowd went wild. I can tell some of them knew what we were going to say. Ed holds my hand and says in his adorable British accent:

"Taylor and I"

The crowd nearly screamed their heads off.Ed whispers in my ear:"will you be my girlfriend? " I couldn't believe my ears. I hugged him and said yes.

"Everyone, give it up for my boyfriend, Ed sheeran!" Then I give him a kiss. Just when I thought the crowd couldn't get any louder, they did. I could of gone deaf if it wasn't for my ear plugs.

After the concert Ed and I were heading to club red.We met some of the nicest fans yet. They were all excited about Ted Sweeran coming to life. We were leaving after we met all the fans, when I saw the one person I didn't want to see ever again heading towards us........

A/N: I'm back!!!!! I'm so sorry I couldn't upload while I was gone. I had a bad connection so it would keep deleting. its a cliffhanger! Comment who you think the person is. And thank you for the 100+ reads. I didn't think thos story was that good.

everything has changed (ted sweeran)Where stories live. Discover now