chapter 7

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Taylor's POV

That night I had trouble sleeping. I kept thinking about me and Ed.It was like a fairy tale. He is my dream guy. My thoughts kept keeping awake as if my mind had a mind of its own.I decide to go bunk with Ed.

Ed's POV

I'm still awake and its 2:30am. I can't stop thinking about how taylor and I are together.then I hear a soft knock. "Ed? yes love? I can't sleep, can I sleep with you? of course sweetheart." and with that Taylor snuggled up next to me falling fast asleep. She is adorable when she is sleeping.I can't help but stare at her. with all these thoughts I ponder into a deep sleep.

Taylor's POV

I wake up happy to know Ed is next to me.I look at the clock. geez its 12:00 already.I wake Ed up with a good morning kiss, as his eyes flutter open.

"morning beautiful. " he says as I blush.I wish we could lay here forever. I get up so I can go shower and get dressed assuming Ed will do the same.

Ed's POV

I wake up to a good morning kiss. nice way to start a day. As Taylor gets up to go shower I decide I want to do something romantic for her. I shower and get dressed quickly and start to think of what I could do. let's see its 12:30. maybe I can cook her some lunch. Perfect. but ill need to do more because she is special. maybe a scavenger hunt.

I make the only food I know how to cook, fajitas. I put them in a basket so we can eat at the park. I get a bunch if sticky notes and think of how I'm going to do this.

after thinking I finally decide that I will have her find me at the park. I put sticky notes on where the check marks are.

Taylor's POV

After I'm showered and dressed I find a sticky note on my reads,

If you want me come and find me. Lets play a little game. scavender hunt.

look for something you sit on, inside the bus, under will reveal a new clue.~~Ed

A wide grin plasters on my face. he's so sweet. I look under every chair on the bus, nothing. wait... the bus driver seat. of course.

the next note reads, go somewhere outside, and where kids play. there you wilk recive your last clue.~~Ed.

I go to the only place I can think of. the park.Luckily it was empty. Now where could the clue be. on a tree? no. burried? no. playground. bingo. the last clue reads,

your closer than you think, find a a blanket set up on the floor, close your eyes and wait for your surprise.~~Ed

I do so. I look around and spot a blanket on the floor. I close my eyes and yell for Ed. About a minute later someone picks me up and I scream,"DONT RAPE ME!!!!" turns out it was Ed. We were laughing so hard at this point. after like five minutes we eat the lunch he made and walk back.

"your so romantic. Only because I love you." he said it. the three words that mean the world."I love you to."

A/N sorry if its boring. next chapter will be like tomorrow or something

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