chapter 6

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Taylor's POV

Ed won't even look at me for more then a split second. He was really hurt. When we sing everything has changed its painful. I should have kissed him when I had the opportunity. I miss his smile, his laugh, how fun he is, I miss it all.I need to make thinks right.

Ed's POV

I'm walking around the arena after the show when I hear a sweet angelic voice call my name. "Ed.I want to talk to you." but I just kept walking."Ed please. Alright you asked for it." Then she suddenly jumped on my back making me fall.She was pinning me down with an apology. I could have easily flipped her over but I didn't. my body wouldn't let me. I guess a part of me wanted to hear her.

"Look Ed, I know you hate me ever since that night. I'm sorry for pulling away. I didnt want our friendship to be ruined, but I realized that's exactly what I did." Before I knew it her lips crashed into mine. there was electricity between us and I felt it. "taylor I still like you and never stopped."

Taylor's POV

Ed and I were kissing still in our awkward position with him on the floor and me on top. Liz screams my name."TAYLOR!!! WE HAVE BEEN LOOKING ALL OVER FOR YOU!!!!" then she realizes what Ed and I were doing."aww you guys are cute together. Sorry Ed but I must steal Taylor from you, she's late for club red."

As I'm on my way to club red liz is teasing me. "Taylor and Ed sittin in a tree, or on the ground, k-I-s-s-ing.Liz!! What you know you its true," she's starts laughing uncontrollably. I guess my face must have been pricesless and red like a tomato.

A/N hi its official. I stink at writing long chapters. so there's gonna be a lot of chapters in this series. ill try to post as much chapters as I can today. I'm going on vacation tomorrow and this will get put on hold.unless I get bored.

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