chapter 11 part 2

245 11 2

a/n: sorry the whole thing didn't come out.

Taylor's POV

I throw Ed some of his clothes he left here. while he leaves to change I decide to change also. I turn around in the middle of changing to see Ed. with a smirk. staring at me.

"honey, boyfriend or not that's kinda creepy." his checks turn bright red. I go over and kiss him.

"but your gorgeous tay. what do you expect? " It was my turn to blush.

I finish changing and just as we started cuddling there's several loud knocks. prob paparazzi asking about earlier because they stopped.

a/n: hi my little meredith heads. jk creepy. sorry for no update. I was grounded for getting a C on my paper. I have a project due tomorrow which I'm surprisingly done with so to make up for no upates I shall bring u an update marathon. now do you guys like with when I do the author notes? I like to tell you what's going on and interact. I can stop if you want. leave a comment and ill read it. mmkay bye

everything has changed (ted sweeran)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang