Chapter One

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Okay so first things first, my first language is not english so please excuse any mistakes that may happen in the future. This is my first attempt of writing a fan fiction, I love Bechloe so why not? This story just kinda popped in my head so i don't really have a specific plot in mind. If you guys liked this, maybe I'll keep updating:) Enough about me, here is the first chapter.

Chapter One

Falling in love with your best friend is never easy. The texts and calls you share with each other, the hugs and hand holdings. You always thought those were things that friends do with each other. But no, life is not that simple, at least from what I've gathered.

Beca sighs as she closes her journal, yes it's called a journal not a diary, she is too badass to own a diary. She stares blankly at the space in front of her, thinking about Chloe, the redhead who always seems to occupy her thoughts.


To be honest, Beca never expected something like this to happen. She was always aware that the bubbly redhead meant something to her, a best friend maybe? But never more.

She smiled at the thought of THAT day the redhead barged into her shower, she remembered feeling very weird standing naked in front of a stranger. Beca has never felt more exposed in her life, physically or emotionally. I mean, she never opened up to anyone really.

The thought of handing over your heart to another person terrifies her. Because you are giving them the privilege to play with your feelings, to make you believe that someone actually cares.

However in the end, when they find a new target, they just leave you, with a shattered heart. People leave, they just do.

Heartbreak, Beca is way too familiar with that feeling. She was once bubbly like any other girls. She smiled widely everyday, and believed that life is beautiful, she was a happy badass.

Life can never be simple though. The day her mother died, she was heart broken. She shut everyone out because she just wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. Her best friend at that time, Ashley, could not handle this depressed side of Beca, so eventually Ashley left Beca on her own to deal with endless nights of tears and sadness. Never actually attempted to understand what Beca was going through.

So at the age of 13, not only did Beca lose her mom, she also lost her best friend. After that, Beca always tells herself that the reason Ashley left her was because she cannot handle the negativity in Beca's life, so it's understandable.

She forgave Ashley for leaving her, She totally do. Because she would probably leave herself too.

After losing two important people in her life. Beca started building walls around her broken and vulnerable heart. She knows what heartbreak feels like, and never does she want to go through that again. So if she stops letting people in, maybe she could just have a peaceful life.

Don't worry, she found a way to compensate the lack of social interaction in her life, music. She could just get lost in music for hours and not get tired of the melody flying around in her head.

Music is simple, lyrics and melody, thats all you need to convey your feelings to people you never know. Music sometimes just speaks what your heart is dying to say.

For a girl who was never good with words, music seems to be a perfect companion.

But Chloe Beale, the redhead has been messing with Beca's thought since the shower incident . It was awkward at first of course, who wouldn't be when you're literally naked in front of a complete stranger.

But when Chloe forced Beca to sing her lady jam with her, the awkwardness just vanished. Beca got lost in the melody and the bright blue eyes that were staring back at her. She could feel her walls breaking down.

How she wanted to talk to the redhead about how amazing Titanium was, and for a split second there, Beca thought she could just hand over her heart to Chloe, because it seemed like she's worth it.

That's why Beca decided to join the Bellas, so she could find out what kind of witchcraft Chloe was pulling, powerful enough to mess up the "This heart is surrounded by walls, please leave, bye" side of Beca.

However, Beca never expected herself to fall for Chloe.


A vibration of her phone snapped Beca out of her thoughts, she looked at the screen. It was a text from Chloe.

Chlo- Becssss, have i ever told you that i love you thissssss much???????

Beca smiled at the dorky text message she just got, Chloe could always make her day with a simple text message or a phone call. Although overusing the letter s is sometimes quite annoying, but it's Chloe, anything she does is acceptable.

Chlo, you literally just saw me 10 minutes ago and you're already missing me? wow, this badass here is irresistible.

Beca smirked and hit the send button. She left her phone on her desk to get charged and hopped onto the bed. She got herself comfortable and closed her eyes.

Another vibration from her phone

"It must be from Chlo, I'll just check it tomorrow"

and with that final thought, Beca drifted off to sleep.

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