Chapter Nineteen

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"C'mon Becs, I'm sure they're still here, Aubrey specifically mentioned that we needed to stay until 7pm," Chloe assured, while the pair stood in front of the door that leads to the auditorium.

"They're probably pissed at me," Beca mumbled.

Chloe looked at her girlfriend and smirked,"they are not pissed at you drama queen, they're sad for sure though,"

"Sad?" Beca asked.

"Yeah, we even had a little Bellas gathering just so we could talk about you," Chloe explained,"we were all a bit lost after you left, needed some sort of closure I guess."

"Is that so," Beca grinned, "so what did miss Beale say about me," she teased.

"Oh nothing much, she was too focused on the pizza in front of her to even notice what the girls were talking about," Chloe replied with a playful grin on her face.

"Jerk," Beca laughed and punched Chloe lightly on her arms.

"Enough with the teasing though, let's head in okay?" Chloe laughed.

"Yeah, I guess I should do that huh?" Beca mumbled and walked towards with the help of her crutch.

The red head helped Beca with the door and in the brunette went, she still wasn't steady on her feet so as soon as she entered the auditorium, Chloe released the handle attached to the door and quickly attached herself to Beca's side then held Beca's arm to help the girl regain some balance.

Beca saw the girls sitting around in a circle, she just stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do at the exact moment.

It was Llily who first noticed Beca, her eyes widened with excitement as she mouthed the word elf.

Beca furrowed her brows at the Asian's reaction but soon shrugged it off, she tightened her grip on the crutch and wobbled forwards.

As she approached the girls, Stacie looked up seemingly to have been distracted by the sound the crutch was making. Her eyes squinted as she locked her gaze on Beca, she blinked once, then again. A wide grin then spread across her face, she jumped off the chair and let out a squeal,"Beca!!"

The other girls followed their gaze and all noticed the awkward brunette standing in front of them.

Amy was the first to run to Beca,"TINKERBECS," the Aussie roared.

"Tinker what-"Beca furrowed her brows and asked.

"What's up with the cast tinker?" Amy interrupted looking at the brunettes leg.

"I got in-"Beca started.

"I missed you tinker!" Amy interrupted once more and hugged Beca tightly.

"wait what? tinker??" the brunette asked confused only to be ignored by the Aussie.

The other girls all gathered around the awkward brunette and gave her a group hug.

"Hey guys watch out her legs," Chloe laughed at the sight but also reminded the overjoyed Bellas. She didn't want Beca to hurt her foot more.

"Where did you find her Chloe," Aubrey approached the red head and asked.

"I kind of followed Jesse after he left," Chloe laughed awkwardly and scratched the back of her head.

"Aren't you going to your teach- oh you tricked me!" Aubrey scolded her best friend.

Chloe laughed and replied,"but I got our favorite DJ back didn't I?"

"Nah she's not my fav," Aubrey stated bluntly.

"C'mon, I know you missed her,"Chloe nudged her best friend playfully.

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