Chapter Fifteen

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After visitors were allowed in Beca's room, Dr. Mitchell dragged his body in the room and dropped onto the couch, settled his belongings and never left. The white walls was in contrast with the dark state of mind he was currently in.

What if Beca never wakes up?

What if he lost his only daughter?

What if...

Pessimism and over thinking, Beca clearly got the trait from her very own father.

Exhaustion must have taken over him and forcefully shut off his brain. He remembered seeing darkness right before his eyelids gave in.

"Mmmp" a grunt broke the silence in the room, it was barely louder than a whisper but Dr.Mitchell's eyes snapped open. His eyes wandered to her daughter who was currently lying on the bed, how could this even be happening? He watched movies with similar scenarios like this, and the one in the bed would either wake up after months and months of waiting, or they'd die and people would throw them a beautiful but sad funeral, this is not how it was supposed to be. But maybe he was hearing things, he haven't slept for the past 24 hours so it was understandable? Or maybe he was dreaming, yeah that must be it.

"Dad?" a small voice called, Dr.Mitchell now realised that this was NOT a dream so he quickly got on his feet and approached Beca. When he got to the tiny brunette's side, the man pressed the button that alerts the nurses and doctors, after that he gently caressed Beca's cheek.

"Honey, how are you feeling," he asked softly, Beca looked so vulnerable and small in the hospital gown and it just hurts him to see his daughter like this. Without all the eyeliner and makeup, this Beca was the girl Dr. Mitchell remembered seeing before he left the girl a year after his wife's death. He had sent his girl to a boarding school, knowing that at his emotion state that time,he could not offer the girl anything but a good school, nice outfits, and money. He missed this version of Beca, and he was glad that they got close again the past few months, thanks to Chloe and Jesse.

"I've been better," Beca replied with a small voice, "What happened to me? Am I in a hospital," the brunette frowned as she took in her surroundings. She tried to move her body but quickly noticed the amount of injuries she had.

"You've been in a car accident, and you just got out of surgery, the doctor said there's little chance for you to wake up, especially this soon." Dr. Mitchell said as he stroked her hair.

"Did you stay here all night?" the brunette asked while she turned her gaze to the window, revealing a peaceful view of the dim sky.

"Yeah, I came immediately when I got the call," the old man nodded and replied.

"Oh," was all Beca said, the room once again was in deep silence, with a father and a daughter, simply enjoying the silence.

"Beca Mitchell?" A doctor entered the room, and did some routine check ups with the girl.

"I must say, it's a miracle that you woke up after only a few hours of surgery. There seems to be no problem with the wounds, and now all Miss Mitchell needs to do is to concentrate on physical recovery, which may be a long and painful journey." The doctor stated seriously, "But it's nice to see you awake Miss Mitchell, we may still have to keep you in for a few more weeks until your condition is completely stable." The doctor smiled softly and left the room. 

Dr.Mitchell poured a cup of water and helped his daughter sit up to drink the liquid.

"Beca, my phone died so I wasn't able to call any of your friends, I'd call them sooner if I knew the passcode to your phone," the old man joked, he took out Beca's phone and waved it in front of the girl.

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