Chapter Sixteen

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Hi guys sorry for the long wait! I was dealing with my midterms a few weeks back and really didn't have time to start a new chapter, but here I am, this is probably the longest chapter in this story to date, hope it makes up with all the waiting. Also, I'm pretty active on social media, especially twitter, and I was shocked to know that some of you on twitter actually enjoy my stories! so umm, follow me on Instagram @bxchloebeale and Twitter @bechloeamour!

It has been a month since Chloe last heard from Beca, she thought the brunette would just be gone for a few days and return with that sheepish smile saying that everything's fine and she's not actually quitting the Bellas.

Oh how naive was Chloe.

One week without the brunette was hard enough for the red head. She never knew she could miss a person THIS much, life without Beca just wasn't, complete.

Not being able to handle the distance, Chloe decided to ignore whatever Jesse told them and to just wait outside of Beca's dorm room, trying to meet Beca 'coincidentally', so she went there everyday, every single free period. But the only person she coincidentally met was Kimmy Jin. She tried asking the Asian where her roommate was, yet the only response Kimmy gave was a shrug saying that she received a text a few days back saying that Beca would be away for awhile.

Chloe also would stand under the big oak tree from time to time where she knew was Beca's favourite place to listen to music and relax, she figured that if something really was bothering the brunette, forcing her to quit the Bellas, this tree should be a every day must visit spot. Yet, still no sign of Beca.

It's as if Beca vanished into thin air.

And a part of Chloe vanished with her as well.


Rehearsals wasn't the same without Beca, no one dared mention her name. They still talk and laugh like they used to, but they all knew something was missing. Upon realising the brunettes disappearance, Ashley hardly showed up at rehearsals either, and today was no exception. It's as if Beca was the reason why she joined the Bellas. Well, probably.

"Ok, girls, that's about it for today," Aubrey announced, "The dean emailed me earlier saying that he wanted the Bellas and the trebles to perform together at some sort of musical event Barden's holding next month," Aubrey rolled her eyes and continued, "Which I find totally unnecessary. So I arranged a meeting next week with them and we could discuss our set list together," the blonde paused and looked at the girls. She knew how empty they all felt, because she feels hella empty at the moment as well, she then carried on, "and I realised we are all a bit off considering few events that happened recently," Aubrey chose the words carefully, considering the word Beca might not be something the girls are ready to hear, especially Chloe, "so we are having a Bellas sleepover tonight at Chloe and my dorm, so I expect you all be there at 7:00 sharp!"

After the announcement, the girls all facial expression brightened up a bit. They started chattering excitedly about the bonding night and soon gathered their stuff and left the auditorium, leaving only Aubrey and Chloe behind.

Aubrey went over to the piano and grabbed her bag, when she turned her head, she noticed that her best friend hasn't moved an inch since the movies night announcement. Chloe was just standing there, looking at the ground, with her hands hanging there.

Aubrey sighed and cautiously walked over to the redhead, just as she was about to tell her to grab her stuffs and head home, Chloe whispered, "I should text Beca about this movie night shouldn't I?"

Aubrey shook her head sadly and reached out for Chloe's hand leading her to the nearest bench and sat both of them down, she knew how Beca's sudden disappearance has affected Chloe. For the past few weeks, Chloe hasn't been herself, AT ALL. The redhead may seem normal on the outside, but as her best friend and an observant Posen, Aubrey knew she was hurting inside. Chloe cannot understand why Beca is distancing herself from the Bellas, and from her, what's worse is that she can't seem to locate the brunette anywhere on campus. Beca has already become a big part of the redheads life, so she could understand why the red head feel so empty.

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