Chapter Eighteen

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"Becaw," Jesse walked into the room and apologized, "sorry but the paper works took up quite some time."

"Dude, you're finally here, I've been waiting for so long," Beca exclaimed, "I can't really do anything, my laptop is dead and right now? moving around really isn't an option." Beca said gloomily while pointing to her left leg which has casts on.

Jesse chuckled at the grumpy brunette, then grabbed her crutch and handed it to her, "C'mon, now let's get you out of this place."

Beca grinned childishly and nodded," Yes please, I can't believe I'm finally free."

Jesse smirked and replied," Someone's excited to go back to school, how adorable."

Beca's face dropped and she shot an annoyed glare at Jesse, "Shut up dude, you're making me look like a nerd."

The boy laughed and picked up Beca's bags, "These are it right? Or are there anything else?"

The shorter brunette shook her head and replied, "Nope those are pretty much it, my dad took most of my stuff back to my dorm yesterday. Jack took out the other two a few minutes ago, he offered to help me bring them to the front door."

Jack was a male nurse Beca befriended at the hospital, he was helping Beca with some physical recovery programs for the past few weeks and those two have gotten pretty close.

"Oh speaking of, your dad says he's sorry, he had this-" Jesse started.

"An emergency meeting," Beca interrupted, "Yeah it's totally fine, he was here for me for the past month, and that already meant a lot." The brunette smiled at the boy.

"Okay, cool," Jesse grinned, he was glad Beca and her dad are on good terms now, it's nice knowing he wouldn't need to stop Beca from strangling her dad when they're in the same room, "So I'm going to walk you to the hospital door, then fetch my car in the parking lot, you just need to wait there for like 5 minutes."

Beca nodded, "Yeah, as long as I'm getting out of this place today, I could be nice and patient for once."

Jesse snorted at this response but put his hand on Beca's arms to give her more support. Beca is still weak on her foot but she's recovering and the doctor said that she could get rid of the cast in a  month if she didn't overuse her leg.

With her best friend's help Beca slowly reached the front door, she was getting used to her crutch. It was annoying not being able to move around like she used to, but knowing she didn't have any permanent damages on her foot or anywhere else on her body was already good news to her.

"Okay, Becaw, hand me your bag, I'm going to fetch the car so you wait here, don't move," Jesse ordered as he struggled to pick up all the bags by the doorway.

"Dude, I may not be able to walk around but I have eyes, I can watch the bags until you get here," Beca rolled her eyes and stated.

"oh yeah, then wait here okay? Don't run away," Jesse grinned sheepishly and reminded his best friend one last time, he then sprinted to the parking lot.

"Couldn't run even if I wanted to," Beca mumbled to herself. She steadied herself with her crutch and sat down on a bench nearby, she put on her headphones and placed it over her ears, then took out her phone and of course started playing candy crush.


A loud ring from the phone startled Chloe, the red head quickly straightened herself, she tried staying awake but with all the rehearsals that have been happening lately and all the late night meaningless 'visits' to Beca's dorm, her body kind of just gave in.

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