Chapter Fourteen

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I tried very hard when writing this chapter, because I know if this chapter didn't come out perfectly, this whole story would be ruined. As I said before, English isn't my first language, so this took a lot of effort and after proof reading it for so many times, I figured this final version might be acceptable. If there are any misuse when it comes to hospital related topics in the chapter, I apologise in advance. Also, I have a few thoughts on how the story may go and it's still undecided, I am just grateful for all of you who took the time to read, review and comment. It really means a lot to me. I have a lot of story ideas in mind but right now I want to focus on this one. Hope this chapter isn't horrible, I really tried my best, but anyways, there you go, chapter 14.


"Chloe, explain the kiss" Stacie deadpanned, with her arms crossed. "I thought you liked Beca? Why did you do this to her?" The taller brunette was slightly annoyed by the fact that the redhead kept this from her.

Chloe shifted nervously at the harsh words Stacie delivered, there are already so many things going on in her mind. Her hands fiddled with the hems of her dress. This situation could not have gotten more uncomfortable.

"Stace, don't push her, can you see the pain on her face?" Aubrey scolded the long legged brunette. Stacie rolled her eyes and retorted, "Bree, have you seen the pain on Beca's face though? I can't guarantee you that she wouldn't do anything stupid tonight. She obviously wanted to drink all her pains away." Aubrey groaned at Stacie's stupidity, "Jesus Stace, just, get me a drink." The blonde knew Chloe wasn't in any state to deal with the cruel circumstance she's been forced to face, though she indeed did something insanely wrong. Stacie squealed and replied, "Oooo, awesome, I will bring something strong for you, you're so tense tonight." with that, the brunette bounced off to the crowd.

Aubrey then took Chloe's hand and gave it a light squeeze, "You know I'm here for you right?"

The redhead sighed in defeat, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner."

Aubrey looked at her best friend taking in the inner battle that was probably happening inside the head of hers. Chloe needs time, and Aubrey is willing to give her that. The pair sat there in silence, and all voices heard were the hollers of the drunk people at the party. After what seemed like forever, Chloe finally broke the silence with a small whisper, "I screwed up didn't I?"

Aubrey looked at her best friend sadly, not knowing the right thing to say. Chloe made a mistake, but the aftermath it caused was way more intense than it should have. Beca was hurt, very, to be exact. Aubrey could tell from the stone cold expression and the distance tone from earlier. The two had fights before, but none of them has gotten this far, none of them had a bitch called Ashley messing with the two.

"Yup you screwed up big time captain." Stacie stated and handed Aubrey a cup of alcohol. Chloe flinched at the words but remained silent. Aubrey shot her a death glare but the brunette put her hand over hers and continued, "No Aubrey let me talk, she needs to hear this." Stacie then held her gaze on the red head, "Chloe, I'm sure you know how much this effected Beca, you know her, more than any one of us. She lets you in for fucks sake, she cares for you so much that she's afraid. She even told me once that she was just having this stupid celebrity crush on you, which I know is not true." Stacie took a deep breath and continued, "What you two have, is something beautiful okay? She cares for you so much that, today, was just too much for her to handle." she paused for a while and she could hear Chloe sobbing quietly, the brunette sighed and said softly, "Please fix this, Beca has already been through too much, let her know that you care, let her know that she deserves to be happy, let her know, that she belongs." Chloe buried her face into her hands and sobbed, her body shaking slightly, Aubrey placed her hand on her back and rubbed soothingly as an act of comfort.

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