Chapter Twenty-Two

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Yeah, it's Beca. I know i haven't written in you for quite awhile, I just, it's been a dramatic few years and i just never found time to write down my feelings.

I just gave a graduation speech, which the dean told me to do at an extremely short notice, lovely human isn't he?

This will probably be the last entry of this diary, seeing that I am living the life I never imagined I deserve. I have a beautiful girlfriend and a loving family. No need to be all emotional, and angry all the time.

I sorted out my issues with Ashley, and we're on good terms now. That's pretty awesome.

Flipping through some of my old writings I just want to say that I'm no longer that annoying emo self, no more demons, they're all slain by the mighty Chloe Beale. She really is something, and I really think that she's the one you know.

We're heading to LA in a few days and i'm going to an aca-party later, a graduation party kind of. And then that's it, we're all heading to different places starting a new chapter of our lives. I'm gonna miss them weirdos, I can't imagine a life without them.

Barden changed me for the better, it gave me a completely new perspective on life, on love. It never is simple, but it damn well is worth fighting for.

Thank you for being with me since mom's death, you gave me an outlet, which was something i really needed. Now I'm putting you away, into a box of memories. I'm starting over, as a happy girl, with fucking Chloe Beale. Wait I don't mean fucking her, I mean, um, wait this is getting awkward. But still, thank you.

Beca sighed and closed her journal, she looked around her room, which is currently filled with boxes of her stuff. She took off her graduation gowns and changed into something more appropriate for partying. She retouched her makeup and looked at her reflection in the mirror.

4 years, that's all it took for Beca to make amends with her past and prepare herself for the future.

She still remember the first day she was here, she was annoyed by Kimmy Jin, her freshman roommate. They never really talked, but when she was in a dark place, and frustrated over Chloe Beale, the Korean was always there.

She may not be talking but her company made everything easier. She would just sit there and listen to Beca rant about pretty much anything, and would occasionally throw out some good relationship advices. Kimmy is now heading to UCLA for a graduates program in chemistry, and she promised Beca that she would stay in touch.

The brunette took a deep breath and fixed her hair.

Chloe and her found an apartment in LA and they're going to live together, as a married couple Fat Amy would say. Beca is really looking forward to her new life in LA, her job at a record label. It's insane to Beca.

Then there's Amy, who has already booked a flight back to Australia, she has been talking about it all week. About how much her boyfriends miss her. She found a job at a local dancing studio in Tasmania, and she is going to coach the students how to jazz and groove, which she claims to be pretty good at.

Then there's Stacie and Aubrey, Stacie is about to start her medical internship in Mount Sinai Hospital, and as for Aubrey she applied for the graduates program in NYU. So the pair are moving in together to a small apartment in New York.

As for Jesse, he found a job in a studio located in Seattle, pursuing his dream of scoring movies. Since he lives near LA, it'll be easy to meet up from time to time. Beca just hopes that she wouldn't be forced into another moviecation again, stupid movies.

Everyone is finding their place in the world, chasing after their dreams. Which is pretty damn awesome. There are so much more yet to discover in the world, and Beca is glad that she found her one true love so that she wouldn't be alone on this terrifying so-called becoming an adult journey.

It's going to be hard to leave Barden, it did became home to Beca which the brunette never would wanted to admit out loud. She doesn't want her dad giving her the i told you so talk with a smug smile on her face.

Beca heard a faint knock on the door, she looked at her reflection in the mirror one last time and walked herself to the door. She opened it with a small smile on her face already knowing who it is.

"Hey," Chloe beamed at her girlfriend and said softly. She was wearing a red dress that hugs her curves perfectly, a glance at her could literally take Beca's breath away.

"Hey," Beca smiled and whispered back. With her heels she's now approximately the same height as her girlfriend.

"You ready to go?" Chloe asked and held out her hand for the brunette to hold.

Beca let out a deep breath and took the redhead's hand with a grin on her face, "Let's get this party started."

Chloe let out a angelic laugh and pulled Beca in to lock her lips with a loving and passionate kiss.

This feels perfect.

This feels complete.

This is what happiness feels like.

And Beca doesn't plan on letting this girl go anytime soon.

Love never is simple, but it damn well is worth fighting for.

-The End-


So here it is, the story is finally finished, not a very fancy ending i apologise. thanks to all of you who has been on this ride with me. This is my very first fanfiction, so i'm sorry if there are some imperfections. I'm happy to see in the comments that people are actually loving the story and taking it very seriously. I'm currently working on my second Bechloe fanfic, I'm writing it more cautiously, and with an actual storyline in mind, so it probably wouldn't suck as much as this one lmao. So check out hi my sweetheart in case you haven't already. Thanks again for the support, I love you all very very much. 

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