The Day She Turned Eighteen.

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Authors note: I will probably be updating every other day and try and make the chapters sort of lengthy xoxo

Pronunciation of Kora: Koruh


Things had been difficult for me from the day I was born. Firstly, I was not wanted, I was an unplanned accident, but my parents try to pretend they want me. Secondly, I will always be in my brothers shadow, although he is younger he is superior to me in every way. He excels at sports, school, and relationships, he is always surrounded by friends and girls fawn over him and he just gets to bask in it! All I've never gotten was a sideways glance because I have a "Demon Eye" or some random guy desperate to get laid. People used to scrutinize me and say that my Father fucked a demon and got me because my right eye is a molten gold color.

I can't wait until I can get out of here and go to university, I heard knocking on my bedroom door,

"Rise, Kora, you will be late for class." Belial said.

I groaned but listened because I know the consequences of my rebellious actions. If I could just sit in my room and read all night that would be great. I quickly put my uniform on and got ready to attend another day at Duke Gremory Academy the school for rich kids. I hated it. I was nothing like those bitchy, snobby, up turned nosed- another warning knock sounded and interrupted my thoughts. I sighed and tugged my shoes on and followed Belial, I felt bad for him, he had to babysit us and he is a very powerful demon who could be doing more productive things. He escorted Adonis and I to the car and Belial faced me,

"Button your damn shirt Kora, you look like a whore." He said in his gruff voice, he looks like most demons, humanoid with horns and red colored skin, but the shade of red determines their power.

I grumbled and buttoned the third one so two still remained open. I sat down next to my brother and I could smell alcohol on him,

"Were you out past curfew last night?" I forcefully whispered.

"So what? I went to a party." He spat back,

"So what? If a patrol guard found you you would have been thrown in jail and tortured, that's what, Adonis!" He scoffed at me,

"You can't be talking, you get in trouble with the Demons all the time." I sighed,

"I can justify my actions, I didn't sneak out to a party." I mumbled.

The car pulled into the parking lot and my Brother and I made our way into the school. Another day in Hell, which is ironic since the school is run by creatures from Hell. I sighed again for the umpteenth time today and trudged toward my least favorite class, maths. I find it COMPLETELY irrelevant. When in the real world am I going to have to tell you the sin, cos, or tan of a triangle? Exactly, Never. I wish we could just study what we want based on what we want to do with our future. I slipped into the classroom as the bell rang and quickly sat in the first open seat I could find, which happened to be next to the sleaziest guy in the entire world. Ew.

"Hey doll, came over here to have some fun?" He smirked.

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but it was the only seat open, so don't flatter yourself." I shot him a disgusted smile.

"Such big talk for a little girl," his hand trailed up my stockings and flicked my garter belt strap, I almost wretched.

"Touch me like that again and I will be praying you're not allergic to nuts, because I will kick yours up into your throat." I deadpanned and slid my desk farther away from him.

He eventually left me alone and the day went smoother, I was finally going to one of my favorite classes, Demon studies. For such horrifying creatures they sure are interesting. I walked in and sat down in my normal seat and saw in the board that we were learning about the King of Hell today.

"Welcome class, today we are learning about our ruler." Ms. Aslan said.

"Show us a picture!" Some kid shouted from the back,

"Now children, you know we do not take photos of him and not many people have seen him, he likes his privacy. Only top Demons have seen him, like Miss Knights Protector, King Belial for example." I blushed at her calling me out.

She droned on about his rise to power and I zoned out doodling on my sketch pad. When the bell rang I was relieved to be able to go home. I searched the hallways for whatever corner my brother was in, making out with some random girl. I found him and started dragging him out of the way before he got an STD and I threw him into the car,

"I apologize Stephan, I will be returning later tonight, I need to run some errands." No one seemed to remember my birthday, how wonderful.

I bought myself a few little presents from my favorite shops and I went to go look in the book store, but the closer I got to the Crypt the more unnatural my body began feeling. It's probably nerves due to the fact it's a huge black castle that Satan lives in and it's called the Crypt because no one that goes in comes back out. Yeah, that's the reason, it has to be, even though I had never felt it before. I went in the book store and tried to ignore the feeling by drowning myself in novels.

"Good evening, Mr. Randolf," I spoke to the old kind demon who runs the store, he looks similar to a hobbit.

"Back again Deary?" He asked laughing,

"You wouldn't want to drive away your primary source of income with your teasing, would you?" I asked,

"Oh, I guess you're right." We both smiled and laughed.

I bought a large stack of books to stock up on and bid my goodbyes to Mr. Randolf and exited the store. I stopped for a moment and looked at the crowd of people making their way through town and my eyes met the most gorgeous man I had ever seen walking from the Crypt. It should have startled me, but it didn't, I went to go back on my way but I tripped and dropped my books. Embarrassed, I tried to quickly pick everything up, but I felt a hand reach for the same book as I and felt an electric pulse shoot up my arm when we came in contact.

"Let me help you, Darling." His deep sultry voice spoke, I felt as though I was under a trance.

I looked around me and it was like everyone had suddenly just vanished, not a single soul was on the boulevard other than us. I slowly raised my eyes to meet his and I was not prepared for what I saw, two eyes of molten gold.

"Thank y-you sir, but I must be going." I spoke shakily.

"How old are you, might I ask?" His voice was so smooth that I felt a pool of wetness between my legs at his words.

"I turned eighteen today sir." I said more firmly this time.

"So you have finally come of age, my mate."

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