The Escape.

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I stared at the Demons and watched them bring my belongings into my new room. All of this was too overwhelming.

They're not paying attention. Run.

I knew my instincts were right, while Lucifer was busy directing the Demons around I slipped out of the room. I quickly walked down the hall way and out of sight,

You don't know where you're going.

Thanks subconscious. I know. I ran around until I found the staircase and I followed it, ending up in the servants quarters.

"Shit." I mumbled, I saw an older woman, "can you tell me where the front door is? I seem to have gotten lost." She went wide-eyed.

"My Queen, I am not worthy to speak to you, please, do not look at me" she said and she quickly scuttled away.

"No! Wait! Please come back..." My words getting quieter. I felt as though I would begin to cry.

No. You will not cry. We will do this.

I began to hear Lucifer yelling, oh no, he knows. I sprinted down the hallway and didn't care where I was going, I had to hide. I found the main entrance, but it was full of servants.

Well, shit.

Revamping my plan I decided I would steal clothes from the maids quarters and sneak out that way. I traced my steps back to where I had been and found some spare uniforms, they were all black with a white apron, edged in red. They were actually kinda cute. I put the uniform over my clothes and tied my hair up into a bun, like I had seen the maids had, and began my journey. I kept my eyes cast down and on the way out I picked up a vase of flowers to cover my face.

"Where are you going with those?" A guard asked me.

"Oh, I was taking the vase out to the garden to exchange the wilting flowers for new ones, we wouldn't want our masters home looking unpresentable, now, would we?" I said in a quiet voice. I saw him nod and let me pass.

I'm almost free.

I put the vase down and I decided to make a break for it. I ran past the front gate attendants and never looked back. I didn't stop running until I was out of breath and I felt as though my legs would give out, I took off the maid uniform and threw it in the trash.

"I made it." I said quietly to myself.

I couldn't wipe off the smile on my face, and then things changed, the sirens went off, meaning than our King had a message for us. My eyes widened to saucers and I waited for the announcement.

"The Queen has escaped. If you value your lives you will return her to me. You have two days to hand her over, before the genocide begins. No house will go unsearched." I heard Lucifers voice.

Double shit.

I used the large crowd of people to blend in as I made my way back to my house and quickly locked the door behind me.

What if Belial sees me? Fuck me.

Things just aren't going my way. I saw that my Father and Belial hadn't returned yet and that I was still safe, I went upstairs to find my mother and Adonis. I found my mother sitting on her bed,

"Kora, what the hell is going on?" She nearly screamed.

"It's a long story. To give you the short version, everyone forgot my birthday, I went to buy myself gifts, and I found out that Lucifer is mated to me, and then he kidnapped me, I escaped and here I am." I said.

"How do you manage to get yourself into these situations?" She sighed and put her head in her hands. "He's going to find you." She stated.

"I had to say goodbye to everyone, I couldn't just leave without telling you guys."

"So it's true. You're getting fucked by the King." I heard Adonis say from the doorway.

"Adonis!" Our mother snapped at him, "don't say things like that! For all the times you bullied her I'd not be surprised if she sentenced you to death! She is your Queen and you will treat her accordingly." Mother scolded him.

"She probably had this planned the whole time! She wants to abandon us! But I guess the Queen has that right." Adonis spat at me.

"Please- don't treat me differently. I don't want this. I don't want any of this. I don't want to be queen, I don't want to marry Satan! I can't stand this! Fuck you fate!" I began to cry. "I'm not special. I shouldn't be the one to marry him. He should marry a nice bimbo who will do what he wants! Why do I have to be forced to spend the rest of my life with that insufferable dick?" I yelled into my hands.

I didn't realize how long had passed, but I heard the front door open and I froze.

"Kora? Where are you? I know you're here." I heard Belial call.


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