The Talk.

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The Crypt is pictured above!


I looked at my mother and we waited for my Father and Belial to come up the stairs. When the old Demon saw me he sighed exasperatedly and my parents and brother left the room,

"Kora, why did you leave?" He looked at me with a pleading gaze.

"I had to say goodbye, he was going to take me and not let me see my family!" I explained,

"Kora-" he gave me a stern look, "Our King is a very unreasonable and emotional Demon. He has gone mad since you've left him and he is killing anything that moves. He's already massacred the guards who let you leave. You have to go back, we can't keep his anger contained for much longer." My eyes went wide,

"H-he killed them?" I stuttered,

"They didn't notice you leaving, it's their job. He is losing his grip on sanity. You may have just met him and it seems strange that he's so attached, but in the Demon world mates are nothing to take lightly. Most Demons never even meet their mate, he has been waiting for centuries, he loves you, Kora, he would do anything for you. He would kill for you."

I was at a loss for words, he loves me? I had to think for a moment.

"You have two days until his distress is extended over the country. Please, make the right decision." Belial placed a hand on my shoulder. "He is not as bad as you think." He whispered to me, I nodded my head.

"I will return. Please make sure he doesn't kill anyone else." I said in a quiet voice.

Belial nodded, "I have known you since you were a small child, and I have watched you grow into a stunning young woman, but I do know that you don't want to be caged. You love your freedom and you don't want to give your heart to another. I promise you that if you give him a chance you can learn to love him. While some Demons are cruel beings, while he does have a terrifying temper, Lucifer only kills to maintain a façade. I promise that he is not as bad as everyone thinks, yes he did horrific things to earn the title of The King of Hell, but he is not always like that." I nodded my head.

"Thank you Belial." I said and I hugged him, hesitantly he hugged me back.

"Dinner is ready!" I heard my Mom call from downstairs. Belial took my hand to help me off the bed and we both went to dinner.

We all ate in relative silence until my Mother spoke up, "so, darling, when is the wedding?" I choked on my water,

"Mother! I haven't even been proposed to," I said.

"The wedding is planned to be within the month." Belial spoke, "it is going to be a public spectacle, it will be the first time our King has been seen by the people. Then of course we will broadcast the Queens coronation." Belial spoke.

"Within the month?" My Father questioned,

"Coronation?" My Brother asked,

"Oh yes, it will be a huge deal!" Belial spoke.

I swallowed hard, "I don't even know how to be a Queen," I said softly, "I'm scared."

"Do not worry, Kora, we will teach you." I smiled and cleaned off the food and washed the dishes once we finished.

I thought about my life and what it was coming to, I am to be Queen. I sighed and decided if I went back tonight Lucifer wouldn't be as angry. I said goodbye to my Parents, my Brother, and to Belial and made my way out the door and towards the Crypt.

It's not too late to turn around. My subconscious spoke.

It is too late. I can't run away again, I have to face my future head on.

I walked up to the gates and the new guards started scampering around, "the Queen has returned!" They said into a phone and opened up the gate. I walked inside, through the very large courtyard, and up to the front door,

"Your Majesty, the King is in the Flat." I nodded and walked through the castle.

It was actually quite beautiful, it was the exact idea you would get when picturing a castle. Only the top penthouse was renovated to suit Lucifers needs, but the rest of the world didn't know that, they knew he lived in the castle, but not where in the castle. The penthouse was his hide away, I could only imagine how beautiful his castle in hell is.

Our castle.

I walked past the throne room, I am not sure how I failed to notice it the first time I came through here, but it truly was stunning.

Two large thrones sat at the end of the long room, a red embroidered carpet leading to the pedestal they were sat upon. I ventured further and saw the crowns sitting on the thrones. I gently caressed the one that was to be mine and stared at it.

Can I really do this?

"That crown belonged to my mother." I heard Lucifer say,

I shot up and turned around quickly, backing away from him.

His mother?

"My Parents were highly respected in heaven, they were given the title of Duke and Duchess. It is a strange thing how heaven works- so many meaningless titles. A court full of people who do not change what happens. God is a tyrant, he did as he pleased without listening to the others pleas. I was cast down for sharing my opinion, despite my Parents best efforts to keep me silenced. That is why Heaven and Hell hate each other, they are built on contrasting views. Everyone assumes me to be the tyrant, but they do not realize that God controls everyone, everything, and every moment. Tell me, is that not a tyrant? Forcing people to obey by your will and only your will, if not you are not welcome in the kingdom. God is trying to break the balance, good and evil have to maintain a balance, if there is too much of one or the other the world will be thrust into chaos. Even myself and God are made of good and evil, it is in everything." He was now an arms length away from me.

"Now can you understand why you must stay with me? It is not safe for you. The celestials have infiltrated and are surveying. A war is coming and they will not hesitate to kill you." I looked away from him, but he moved me to face him. "Do not leave ever again." I stared deep into his eyes and nodded.

"I just- had to say goodbye to the life I once lived." I said quietly.

"Never scare me like that again." He said and brought me into his chest.

"The annual Demon Ball is to be held tomorrow. I will have a dress made for you." He said and I nodded again.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

He said nothing, he just pulled me into his body closer. Suddenly I was being thrown over his shoulder and he was carrying me to the penthouse.

"What are you doing?" I nearly screamed, I pounded my fists into his strong back and wiggled around.

"If you keep wiggling your ass in my face like that I won't be able to wait until we are wed." He growled.

I stopped my movements, perhaps he will propose tomorrow.


So we saw a softer side to Belial and Lucifer with a little bit of the backstory between heaven and hell! Updates are coming soon


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