The Rescue.

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I have chosen none other than Roman Reigns to play Lucifer in this book, because why the fuck not? I mean just look at him!

"Fuck me." I grumbled angrily.

I quickly grabbed the necktie I am supposed to wear with my uniform and buttoned my shirt up all the way before fastening it.

I'm going to kill him, I thought to myself, halfway through the car ride to school Adonis piped up.

"Why are you finally wearing that? Did you go out whoring and now you have hickies everywhere?" I shot him an icy glare and in a deep, gruff voice said,

"Worse." He dropped the subject as we entered the school gates, but I knew this would not be the last I heard of it.

I made it through the first half of the day relatively easily, but the rumor is already spreading that I have lost my protection Sigil, which is not good. There are a lot of people that would love to kill me and now that I have no Sigil I have no way to ward them off. When I arrived at my anatomy and physiology class I received a strange look from my instructor, Mr. Maou. He was a mid-ranked devil and was quite handsome, but no where near as handsome as Lucifer. Even just thinking his name gives me chills.

"Good morning class, today we will be learning about the pulse points on the body." He said and looked directly at me, "could I have a volunteer come up and model for us?" We made eye contact, "Kora?"

Reluctantly, I stood up, already regretting this.

"If I wanted to take her heart rate from her carotid artery where would I put my fingers?"

"The right lateral side of her neck, inferior to her mandible." A boy, Peter spoke, he shot me a smirk.

"Very good Peter, I will now demonstrate." He turned to me, "remove your neck tie and unbutton the top button of your shirt so I can measure your heart rate." Mr. Maou said.

I froze.

I didn't know what to do.

"N-no?" I stuttered out, but it sounded more like a question.

"No? Oh." He said in a low sinister voice.

He knew.

He had to know what would be under my collar.

The next thing I know he tore my tie in two and busted the first three buttons off my shirt.

His eyes widened, "you?" He asked, "so, the rumors are true, you're the Queen of Hell." I quickly threw my hands up to pull my shirt together effectively hiding my mating mark.

I grabbed my satchel and ran out the door into the hall way.

I ran past classrooms and I felt their prying eyes on me, but I kept going. I stopped in the courtyard to catch my breath, I bent over, panting. I heard a wolf-whistle,

"If that skirt was any shorter your entire ass would be showing." I spun around to see local gang leader, Zachary Thomas, he's one of the Elite 6, and not to be fucked with.

"What do you want, Zachary?" I asked harshly.

"Oh, nothing much really, just a little piece of you." He grinned like the Cheshire Cat.

Before I could comprehend what was going on I felt my body being slammed into a tree.

Zachary trailed his hands up my thighs and his henchman restrained me. He exposed my garter belt and lace thong for them to see, his hand roughly grabbed my ass, I tried to hold in my tears.

"Want to make a bet fellas?" He asked them, they all cheered and whooped.

"I was thinking she was a virgin until I saw what she had on underneath, so who wants to bet she isn't?" They all started chuckling and laughing amongst themselves, but then he saw my shirt had come open from the wind.

"What the fuck is on your neck?" He asked examining it closely, suddenly I had an idea. I hope this works.

"You must be stupider than I thought if you don't know what it is." I chided.

"Don't pull that bullshit with me, what is it?"

"It is my protector Sigil." I deadpanned,

"I ain't never seen it in my life, you're lying to me, you little bitch." He punched me in the stomach.

"Are you going to tell me what it is now?" I shook my head,

"I already have."

"What a shame, I wanted to have some fun with you, but I can't accept that tone, so I'm just going to have to kill you." He pulled out a knife, "any last words?"

I looked him in the eye, "Lucifer, come to me."

Zachary backed up,"what kind of bullshit are you pulling?" He screamed.

My eyes began to glow, "Lucifer is my mate."

Just as I said that the sky darkened and a dark red magic circle appeared next to me. All I saw were obsidian coloured wings before I was freed from the henchmen's grips. In the blink of an eye Lucifer had Zachary by the throat,

"She is mine, you got that? If you even so much as think of her again I will decapitate you and rip out your entrails." He spat and threw him to the ground.

Zachary scooted away before getting up and running, I never thought I'd be happier to see someone I hated.

Lucifer turned towards me, "αγάπη μου, are you alright?" He said desperately looking over me,

"If you hadn't shown up when you did I would have been in a lot worse condition." I said and clutched my shirt again when I noticed his staring.

"Thank you." I added quickly.

"I would do anything for you, αγάπη μου." He said and brought me into his strong chest.

The feel of being surrounded by his well-worn body, and the smell of his cologne brought an overwhelming sense of comfort over me, and it brought the feeling of home.

"Will you come back with me?" He asked gently, stroking my hair.

I nodded, blushing, dammit, he makes me feel like a giggling schoolgirl!

  I was briefly blinded by the light of his transportation circle, then we were in a large room I was unfamiliar with. I took a moment to look around the surroundings and it took my  breath away. We were in a large flat sized room with the biggest bed I have ever seen on a pedestal portion of a raised floor. There was an open kitchen with modern amenities, a sitting area in the middle of the room with a gigantic television and the back wall was made entirely of windows. It was beautiful. We were so high up I could see the entire city from here, I was completely distracted until his voice sounded,

  "Welcome to my home." I looked up at him and he smiled, causing a wetness in my panties and a smile on my face.

  Wait, home? As in the crypt?


I am so sorry for the late update I've been so busy with competitions and such lately! I will be updating more frequently now xoxo

αγάπη μου- "my darling"
Italics- Kore's thoughts

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